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Everything posted by MCrevot

  1. I am referring to MSFS 2020 : in my sim, I use P3Dv4 to fly the plane (A320), and MSFS 2020 to display 3 views, front, right and left (3 video projectors 1080x1920) Michel
  2. Hi, Starting the simulation involves many operations, it can become tedious, this is the case for me: - Starting PCs, - Conditional start of apps, - Various settings, ... I have fully automated all of this, I start the simulation by lowering a simple switch on the glareshield, and can follow the progress of the sequences on the screen of one of the PCs, placed in the cockpit and which I use to display Littelnavmap . But there is a problem, MSFS, whose interface does not respect Microsoft standards, and whose automation is really touchy: it involves automating the various clicks which allow you to arrive at the plane ready to fly. It is therefore necessary to recognize the screens which call for a mouse action, and simulate mouse clicks in the right places, relying on the geometry of the various screens (positions, colors, etc.). it works, except that with almost every update (it's a real addiction at Asobo), the geometry of the interface changes, which requires adapting the automation program, it becomes a hassle. Hence my question: does anyone know the command line that allows you to automatically start MSFS (specifically specifying the flight plan)? it necessarily exists, I can't see the Asobo testers having to worry about all the phases of the startup dialog during each test... Any ideas will be appreciated! Michel
  3. Ray, I load the plan from RCV4, a copy on the client. I have just entered in RCV4 the path of the plan on the server, and everything is back to normal, RCV4 works well on the Client. Thanks 1000 times for your help, and more generally for RDV4 support on the forum 😃! Michel
  4. Hello Ray, I come here on the advice of Pete (see https://forum.simflight.com/topic/93464-problem-with-keysend-to-wideclient-cant-setwindowshookex/); I am experiencing a "Runtime error 75, RadarContact.fsuipc.rcv4code" error when I try to send a command to RCV4 via WIDEFS. The configuration : - A 64bits pro W10 server with P3DV4.5 and FSUIPC5.157 - A 64bits pro W10 client with WideClient (WIDEFS7) and RCV4 I run P3DV4.5 on the server, WideClient then RCV4 on the client, load the flight plan, start RCV4; then on the server I hit key 1 (for Menu selection 1); the error message appears on the client and RCV4 closes. If I put RCV4 on the server, everything is OK. What does this error mean, and how do you think i fix it? Michel ps : i have been using RCV4 for years.
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