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Posts posted by yardenbe

  1. Hi guys,

    I've previously installed the v1.4 of the NGXu Module into LINDA (running 3.0.12 if that's not an issue + FSUIPC 5.153). I made sure my previous NGX module is updated to 4.14 prior to the update and installed it according to the instructions - All of my NGX assignments were successfully transferred to the NGXu profile without any problem.

    Nevertheless, despite having everything installed correctly many of the programmed switches don't seem to work whatsoever, and those switches working prompt their response in a 5-10 second delay. 

    I have no idea what seems to be the problem. In the old NGX everything works properly, I only have these problems in NGXu. 

    If anyone knows what seems to be the problem please let me know!



  2. Alright guys, 

    Andrew has been helping me out privately via e-mail on this matter, and when reading your comments here and connecting them up to my other friend's expericnes I understand that this is a known issue with no solution just yet. 

    There might be two causes here:
    P3D v4.2 OR/AND PMDG 747 itself.

    How did I come to this conslusion? Via elimination:
    1. I tried installing LINDA with a clean installation with no module installed - P3D crashed when loading the 747 on a new scenario. 
    2. I even tried installing my back up 2.9.3 from the P3D v3.4 days when it worked pefectly - did not work with P3D v4.2 - crashes when loading a new scenario.
    3. Investigation with friends using LINDA, PMDG 747 and P3D 4.2 combination - who told me explicitly that they also suffer from his problem, and the only current solution for this is first loading up a scenario with a default aicraft (e.g. F-22) and only then switching to the PMDG 747 (as mentioned in the 2nd comment).
    4. This I havent tried yet, that might worth a try: To check out if the problem exists with P3D v4.1 - I heard from friend its all OK there (not including jordanal's comment here on the 777).

    Just a note here, probably mentioned earlier: The problem did not occur when loading up a new scenario with a PMDG 737 or a 777 - only with the 747.

    Therefore, after doing all the checkings there might be a compatability issue with either PMDG 747 (who will obviously not support LINDA hence not release any suitable updates), or P3D v4.2 that might cause the problem. Maybe some FSUIPC modifications are required to solve this problem. I'm still no expert in these levels. 


  3. Hi guys,

    I've just installed now the latest version of LINDA alongside profiles for PMDG 737, 777 and 747.

    I'm encountering this strange problem where P3D crashes to desktop without any errors ONLY when loading the PMDG 747. When loading other aicraft and even other PMDG addons, everything loads up fine. Howerver, P3D will NOT crash if I load up the PMDG 747 from another aircraft (i.e.: Moving from a 777 to a 747 inside the sim itself)

    I tried deleting LINDA, whereas afterwards the PMDG 747 loads up fine upon initial load. 

    Anyone knows what may seem to be the problem?

  4. Hi guys,

    I recently purchased a JetMax 737 throttle and I have been using LINDA for a long time now in all of my switch panel modules.

    I have a problem with using JetMax 737 on Linda, as it sends unvolentary electric pulses, which makes it like all the time a button is being pressed. Therefore, I cannot have access to the other panels I am using, and hence no switch is turning on or off because of that.

    The only solution to solve it is to delete the throttles completely from the LINDA Joystick list - as I dont really need it anyways.

    Is there any way to delete a joystick from the LINDA list?

    Thanks for all helpers

    (I am using LINDA 2.6.6 btw)

  5. Thanks for the prompt response!

    The thing is, I already tried installing LINDA from scratch a couple of times to no avail.

    My last working configuration was in FSX. But still, I cant solve this one. 

    The Saitek radio panel isnt configured in LINDA whatsoever. I usually used SPAD or Saitek's drivers for that. I only use LINDA to configure my switch panels.

    Opencockpits is also not related to the issue, as it occurs with the modules disconnected as well.  

  6. Hi guys,

    I recently moved to Windows 10 and P3Dv3 and installed the latest LINDA 2.6.6 for my following modules:
    Saitek Switch Panel
    Saitek Radio Panel
    Flightsimpm.co.uk Boeing 737 Lower OH switches (ignition and lights)
    I also own OpenCockpits MCP and EFIS modules operating with SIOC and OC4BA.

    Unfortunately, since installing LINDA every time any hardware disconnects and reconnects P3Dv3 crashes with ntdll.dll causing the error.
    It happens even with OpenCockpits modules disconnected. 

    In addition, I am also stuggling to operate P3D with LINDA, as many times when LINDA fires up, P3D crashes with the same ntdll.dll error.

    Also, in Windows 10, any time LINDA detects a connected and reconnected hardware even with they are connected with no problems (happens all the time frankly) - The sound in P3D/FSX stops for a split second, only to come back later - it happens every 20 seconds or so.

    I am starting to get frustrated from all of this situation.

    If anyone has any solution for this, please throw a bone for me :D

  7. Hi guys,

    Maybe someone knows this problem:

    First of all, I own the 737-800/900 NGX with the latest service pack running, and I'm mostly using the 737-800WL version. 


    My problem is as follows:

    1) After pushback and startup the throttles themselves don't respond whatsoever and I receive this error advisory which cant be located. This problem is solved only after entering slew mode, raising up and aircraft a few feet, releasing it from slew for a fraction of a second and return back to place.

    2) The next problem is occuring upon takeoff: Everything works fine till the rotation moment. from there and on the aicrcraft stuggles to gain speed and works on a VERY low angle of attack, even -5 degrees while climbing. The major issue is, while tying to take manual control or controlling the climb via vertical speed intervention the speed slows down dramatically up to buffet alerts and even stalls- that's when the angle of attack is very low.

    I thought it might be 2 problems:
    1) incorrect weight distribution and CG problems
    2) Some conlifct with my weather engine (ASN)

    regarding these potential problems I've managed to eliminate them all, as everything was OK with the weight and balance, and I've also tried changing my payload while airborne to check the problem with no change- even when I've set everything on 0. Same with the weather engine- Even when it was switched off it didnt make any difference.

    Another thing is that I've encountered is that the problem is occuring only in some specific aicraft inside (another painting) while some are working OK for some odd reason.

    Yet another thing is I've also tried uninstalling and re-installing the 737NGX from scratch with same results.

    In order to illustrate the problem better I'm adding here up a link for my flight broadcast in order that those of you who might know the problem will be able to understand it better:

    Problem timelapse:
    34:00 - Throttle problem on startup
    41:00- Departure
    45:00- Aircract cant gain speed, negative angle of attack on FD
    49:00- Receiving buffet alerts due to problem
    54:00- Changing payload to 0 with same results

    Thanks for all the helpers in advance!

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