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  1. Hi, Can anyone provide me the intelliscene.cfg file of skyspirit boeing 777-9x please....
  2. Thanks charliearon, There are four texture files that caused the problem...Sorted out and now it is beautiful....
  3. Hi, This is Karthick from India. Recently i downloaded the aircraft skyspirit Boeing 777-9x from simviation (Link: http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=boeing+777-9&x=10&y=19). Everything was fine except the logo lights. The logo lights at night were so bright, so that the logo of the airline is not visible. I also tried to locate the coordinates of logo light in aircraft.cfg but i can't identify which one is the logo light. So guys please help me sort out this problem.... Thanks in advance..... I am appending the coordinates of lights found in aircraft.cfg [lights] //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recog, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin light.0 = 1, 28.5, 0, 12.4, fx_beaconh light.1 = 1, 4.75, 0, -9, fx_beaconh light.2 = 3, -127, 0, 4.5, Opensky_nav_yellow light.3 = 8, 32.7, -10.1, 1.3, Opensky_nav_yellow light.4 = 8, 32.7, 10.1, 1.3, Opensky_nav_yellow light.5 = 4, 105, 0, 5.4, Opensky_747_vclight light.6 = 2, -127.9, 0, 8.5, fx_strobeh light.7 = 4, 105, -2.2, 5.328, Opensky_747_vclight light.8 = 4, 105, 2.2, 5.328, Opensky_747_vclight light.9 = 8, 12.5, 23, 0, Opensky_nacelle_refl light.10 = 8, 12.5, -23, 0, Opensky_nacelle_refl
  4. Is it the link where i downloaded this aircraft u are asking or does it has any specific link on its own??? http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=boeing+777&categoryId=&page=3&filename= The aircraft which i downloaded was the first one with emirates livery....
  5. Well there are options displaying when i press shift+8 or shift+9, But it doesn't specify anything about the tug....however i have deleted all the entries in the panel folder that contains the word "tow"...let me see whether it is working....Will get back to u guys in short.... Still the tug is appearing....is there a way to remove the posky's tug completely????
  6. No, there is no mention about pushback in either of these files to my knowledge....But im sure that the problem is not caused by the aircraft.cfg file...all is to do with those panels and it's cfg....correct me if i am wrong....
  7. HI guys, This is Karthick.... I downloaded a boeing 777-300er aircraft with JB panels for the cockpit.....Everything is going fine except one annoying factor is that whenever i land the aircraft on the runway, automatically posky's pushback tug appears at the nose gear while touch down....But this won't happen when i use other panels....So i know that the problem is from the panels folder..... So I need your help to identify the file that causes the tug to appear and to remove it......
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