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Posts posted by swissa340

  1. 14 hours ago, Bob Scott said:

    Try running it as admin.  Sounds like a registry entry or config file isn't being updated, usually due to permissions issues.

    I'm running everything as admin. I now tried adding an anti-virus exclusion for all SODE folders. Still get the same issue. SODE doesn't even appear in the menu bar.

  2. Hi

    I've done a complete reinstall of my PC and P3D. Now if I want to start GSX and connect the jetways I get the message "SODE is unavailable jetways will not animate." When I check the SODE platform manager it says that SODE isn't registered. I closed the sim, activated SODE then restarted P3D v5 and nope still same message. When I go back to the platform manager it says that the sim isn't registered. I have no idea what to do. Any ideas?

  3. First of all thanks for your opinions. I think it’s quite helpful when someone tells his experience from upgrading hardware. 

    10 hours ago, Avidean said:

    Couldn't agree more but whether something can be perceived or not varies from one person to another. In my case as a VR simmer the system I have now with the setting I use give me a pretty consistent and smooth 30fps in any soup and without really compromising on the setting. It is however in the eye of the beholder. And with the same setting on my previous system with the 1080ti in VR it was a slide show.

    But let’s talk about Scenery an Autogen for a moment because I think this is the most strenuous task for the CPU. What about your settings there. My aim is to have high to very high settings. Will a new CPU help me with that. My FPS are between 20-25 when I’m at an airport with the FSLabs and full weather etc. 

  4. 21 hours ago, Noel said:

    Your 4790k is ~4.5% faster in single-threaded performance than my now 6.5 y/o 3930K when running at the same clock speed.  I can only do 4.44Ghz w/ HT enabled.

    A 9900K will be about 19% faster than your 4790k at the same clock speed.

    FWIW, my Core 1 is generally always below 100% because I always adjust settings to insure that happens, which is required for completely stutter-free fluid video performance.  It appears we both have similar settings, except I have GPU related sliders down very low.  Quite frankly in a side-by-side comparison you will hardly note a difference as the bang for buck on the GPU is very poor IMO.   Run a GPU utilization monitor to see how often as you approach max GPU utilization as frame rate and freedom from stuttering suffers immensely.

    To me 19% starts being meaningful, and as you will likely get to 5Ghz you can expect a bit more than 19%, maybe 20%.  But then again, P3D is replete w/ slider settings that can take anything down.  So in the end, it's always going to be a case of staying w/in the processing budget you have to work with.   Since GPU related settings offer so little for such a high cost I would consider upgrading your CPU to 9900K, but skip the GPU upgrade for now.   Maybe when RTX 3080Ti arrives reconsider, though once again GPU related improvements relative to the cost of the GPU are pretty paltry.  For my 3930K HT enabled offers the superior performance.  I'm still using the original GTX Titan, now also over 6y/o.    I'm building a new machine next fall if my current old box makes it that far.

    I don‘t want to upgrade my GPU only my CPU. Right now, my 1080ti is at about 40% during a flight which is pretty low. I‘ll probably go for the i7 9700k and the ASUS ROG Strix Z390-F Gaming Mobo with new DDR4 RAM. 


    4 hours ago, ryanbatcund said:

    Are you at 4k?

    I've got an identical rig....  But at 1080p - it's been really enjoyable and a nice upgrade from my 2500k.

    Usually I'm in the 25 fps area around Orbx socal and fsdt klax.  With payware and asp4 clouds/ENVTEX.

    No, I’m running 2k at the moment bc my monitor only has this resolution. Yes, normally I’m in that area as well. During cruise I even get ~40FPS but as soon as I approach any airport I have slow loading Autogen/Scenery/Night Lighting and between 15-20FPS. 

  5. Hi everyone

    I‘m considering upgrading my CPU because I‘m not happy with my performance anymore. I have an i7 4790k OC@4.7Ghz and an ASUS GTX1080ti. P3D is on a separate SSD. My settings are rather moderate. Autogen all sliders on medium to high settings. I’ve done a lot of research concerning performance in P3D and I think that my CPU just can’t handle things anymore. Core 0 is always at 100% while the other three range between 20-50% usage. Do you think it’s worth upgrading? I thought about an i7 9700k or maybe even an i9 9900k. Any comments about this?


  6. 1 hour ago, Mace said:

    Yeah, system restore rarely works well.

    So, you have:

    1.  Uninstalled P3D Client (make sure you do not deactivate your license)

    2.  Deleted the contents of your Shaders folder, and deleted your Prepar3D.cfg.

    3.  Installed 4.5 HF1 P3D Client

    4.  Uninstalled P3D Content

    5.  Installed 4.5 HF1 P3D Content

    6.  Uninstalled P3D Scenery

    7.  Installed 4.5 HF1 P3D Scenery

    8.  run sim once, load default F-22 flight at the Florida air base -- first load will be slower due to shader creation, index creation, etc.

    9.  If you have Orbx, be sure to open Orbx Central and select "verify files" for each Global product you have

    ...and you still get the problem you describe?  I would do steps 1-9 above exactly as shown.  If that didn't work, I'd uninstall REX EF, then repeat steps 1-9 above and report back.

    Yep that worked. Thank you very much. I now even now which ad-on caused the problem. It was PTA (v2.66) which was causing the problem and not REX Enviroment Force like I anticipated.

    Thanks for the help

  7. Hi everybody

    I was able to break my sim (again). My problem is that everything is black and white now except for the cockpit. The ground textures are completely black and the autogen is monochrome. For some reason the cirrus clouds are blue.

    What I've tried so far:

    Uninstalling & reinstalling REX Environment Force (Suspected it to be conflicting with PTA)

    Restoring the original shaders through PTA

    Repairing/Reinstalling the P3D client to get new HLSL shaders

    Doing a system restore to a point where the sim was working just fine

    All of the above didn't work. Now I'm pretty clueless.

    My specs:

    i7 4790k @ 4.7ghz


    16Gb Ram 2133mhz

    Windows 10 64bit

    latest P3D version (v4.5)

    And here are some screenshots






    Thanks in advance 😄



  8. On 1/19/2019 at 4:17 PM, Dave CBFS said:

    I would have thought you would need to use the tomatoshade shaders, not PTA, to get the reflections to work as they are designed to work together. The PTA shaders won't know how to process them. 

    I don't think so because Matt Davies also uses PTA and Tomatoshade.

  9. Hi everybody


    I have a problem with the Aircraft reflection profiles of Tomatoshade. No matter what profile I install I get a black model.


    As my shaders were corrupted I reinstalled the client to get the default shaders. Then I applied my PTA preset followed by Tomatoshade. I only use Tomatoshade for the felections nothing else, so PTA and Tomatoshade shouldn't interfere with each other. Then I loaded all the models in the DynamicReflectionMaker. As soon as I start up the sim all aircraft are black. I have Dynamic Reflections turned on in the sim and URP is disabled.

    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

  10. Hi,


    I just updated from my GTX980 to a Asus GTX1080Ti OC but since the upgrade I only get problems with P3D. I didn't change any settings but I keep getting the DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG error. In addition to that I get terrible FPS at any airport, less than what I had with the GTX980. 

    My specs are:

    i7 4790k at 4.7ghz

    GTX1080Ti OC

    16 Gb RAM 2133mhz

    Any ideas what the problem might be?




  11. 11 hours ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    Hi Alex,

    I've been working on the no AG problem and will post my finding/results tonight in the "Blurries" thread.  The ONLY way I was able to make sure AG never disappeared and terrain remained crisp was to switch from TFR (Target Frame Rate) = Unlimited TO TFR = 31, Vsync On, FFTF = 0.33 (default, any lower value would eventually trigger AG to stop rendering) ... this was testing at 3000-7000 ft with speed of 400-500Kts with the following add-ons (Orbx FTX Global, Vector, OpenLC, HD Trees, Turbulent Flora, PILOTs 2018 NG Mesh, CP, HiFi AS4, etc.).

    I was able to duplicate the AG problem with just one add-on (FTX Global) when running Unlimited.  With ZERO add-ons Unlimited works just fine.  The downside is that performance is smoother with Unlimited and Vsync On, but I lose all my AG rather quickly during a flight.  If you run a 30Hz monitor then TFR=31 and Vsync still work pretty good but there will be some long frames.

    I've got everything recorded, just need to do some voice over and put up on YouTube.

    Cheers, Rob.

    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for the tips. I'll try it out and wait for your video and then I'll report back here.

    Cheers, Alex

  12. Hi,

    I started experiencing this issue that when let's say I start descending and approach the airport the autogen doesn't load in. I just see blank ground textures. Sometimes the autogen (buildings and trees) loads in behind the aircraft but that's very seldom. I tried lowering my settings to a minimum without success and I experimented with default, ORBX and Turbulent Design autogen trees but nothing really worked. I'm reather reluctant to reinstalling the whole sim becuase it takes me about 2 days to reinstall everything.

    Any idea how to fix this problem?




  13. Hi everybody,

    Due to some technical issues with the 777 and A320 I have no other choice to fly the 747. Now, I‘m looking for some nice and short routes around the world which are operated by a 747. I do like long hauls but I’d like to do multiple landings per day not only one. It doesn‘t matter if it‘s a PAX flight or a cargo flight, any suggestions would be appreciated. Currently I‘m only flying domestic routes in Japan but I‘d like to fly somewhere else for a change.

    Kind regards 


  14. Hey,


    First of all I wish yo a happy new year and all of luck.  :smile:


    Now, my problem is that my sky textures look very weird. There are no smooth transitions between the colours. 

    I don't know why this happens or what it causes.


    Could anyone help me ?


    Thanky you very much and have a nice weekend.





    (in the picture it does not look as bad as it actually is)

  15. Hi everyone,


    I recently did some night flights around Europe and I noticed that my frames are really bad (ca. 15FPS). During the day I get 40 to 60 FPS. I don't know why I lose performance during the night. Does anyone know how to get better frames at night?


    My system:


    i7 4790k@4.7Ghz


    16 GB RAM at 2133mhz

    Asus Maximus Vii Hero


    Have a nice weekend




  16. The dll.xml and exe.xml are not installed with P3D. They were added by an addon (usually FSDT is the first to install if as most people install FSDT airports soon after installing P3D). FSDT installs the Addon Manager which is in the menu when you open P3D up.






    The best thing to do his is to simply download and run the latest Standalone Addon Manager from the FSDT website. That will fix any problems with Couatl.


    Best regards,

    So, I reinstalled GSX but I still get CTD's. My question is now, if I reinstall my whole sim again will the crashes stop? Is it likely that the problem will solve itself?
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