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Everything posted by nightowl56

  1. I'm wanting to add a DC-8-?? to my Platinum Airways fleet. Is there anyone who might be able or willing to do this. Free would be nice but I would be willing to pay.
  2. I can't seem to find a "download" of the Traffic toolbox explorer listed in the trouble shooting instructions.
  3. PavlinS: Very helpful. NOT! lol
  4. Using P3Dv4. The aircraft are in/at the assigned parking spots, but they do not depart - no taxi nada. I have the following. time set for 24hr local time (same problem if I use GMT) with a 09:00 departure. I have sat in another aircraft on the tarmac for 3 hours (using 2x speed) and the aircraft never moves. Any idea why this might be? Any help appreciated.
  5. just starting with this program. Tried to read the documentation but it is all numbers and symbles. Don't know how t ochange it in my computer so that it shows in "letters" help please.
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