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Posts posted by Thomasew

  1. Hi Jim,




    Just Virtual Address Space which is limited to 4GB's on all 64 bit operating systems.


    Technically, your answer is incorrect, .. as the 4 Gb address space relates to 32 bit applications, which FSX and P3D are .. not 64 bit Operating Systems. :smile:





  2. Hi Ed,



    Yes, .. I did. As I said, .. everything works fine in FSX, .. but, nada on P3D. :nea:


    BTW, .. the 2 MPI....gau files installed ok into the \Prepar3D v3\gauges folder .. i.e. MPI_CDIGauge and MPI_GNS, .. just the Hypergauge.dll didn't seem to go anywhere.


    The GNS 430 panel/bezel etc. loads/displays ok in the aircraft, .. just no display.







  3. Hi All,



    Firstly, been using the Mindstar GNS 430/530 units in FSX, .. since they were released. :smile:


    Decided to give this Prepar3d thing a try, .. and bought and installed Version 3.1 this morning. :smile:


    Also, installed the A2A Commanche, .. and configured it to use the Mindstar GNS 430.


    Went to the Mindstar site and downloaded, and installed, ..  Version 1.08,0010 .. which installed smoothly enough, .. I think.


    When I load the Commanche in P3D, .. I get the error .. 'Failed to load Hypergauge. Check dll.xml and modules folder.'


    Not sure what to look for in the dll.xml, .. and couldn't find a modules folder in P3D, .. so, created one and copied the hypergauge.dll into it.


    .. without success. Same problem occurs.



    So, .. what did I miss during installation/configuration? Is my current license valid for both FSX and P3D? I thought it was.



    The 'updated' GNS 430 works fine in the FSX A2A Commanche.



    Any advice or assistance would be more than most appreciated.



    Thanks and Regards


  4. Hi Wes,



    Count me in for the Orange, White and Blue .. :)


    I used to work for SAA way back when, .. and was based at Jan Smuts .. :)


    Lots of fond memories, of early mornings on the Apron, .. soaking in the rising Sun, .. and watching the Flying Springboks departing on their early morning flights to their coastal destinations.


    Good Times .. :)




  5. I don't think Fiber accelerator made those changes, the only entry that may change is the limited frame rate changing to unlimited if you close FS before Fiber Accelerator. I use default 1024 and 5.5 LOD and they are still at that level after two days of extensive usage and many restarts of the sim. Your problem is coming from somewhere else I think.



    You need to bear in mind, that FA makes no 'written' changes to your fsx.cfg .. :mellow:


    Everything it does, is done in real time, .. and it may well be adjusting LOD radius 'on the fly'. However, it's obvious that it is adjusting FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION in real time, .. and whilst I haven't experimented with that variable extensively, .. I understand that setting it incorrectly can cause some blurries/loss of detail.  :mellow:




  6. @ 1st fltsimguy



    1, They do !!! http://forum.simflight.com/forum/128-fsps-support-forum/


    2. The AVSIM community should be thanking the developer for responding to queries and problems etc., in these forums, rather than be non-responsive .. as this is NOT their support forum. See 1.


    3. The Product info IS on their own website, as well as Simmarket, and other online retailers. http://store.thefsps.com/product_info.php?products_id=54


    I'm just saying ...


    Perhaps a search and/or some investigation, .. before slamming the developer. They didn't start this thread, ... they are just responding to the numerous questions and queries that we all have.


    BTW, .. prior to reading this thread a couple of days ago, I had never heard of, or dealt with FSPS at all, .. yet, I managed to find their website, product page & support forum, .. with very little difficulty. :o





  7. Hi,



    I purchased the 407 today via the special on Simmarket .. :)


    The file I was given a link to, was ... MV-407_vSP2 .. a 187.05 Mb file.


    Is this a/the complete install?, .. or, does it require an initial install of something?


    I seem to be missing documentation etc .. e.g. BHT-407-FM-1 that is referred to in the 407 User Guide.


    .. not sure what else I'm missing e.g. a tutorial, control setups, recommended FSX setup & config .. etc etc..


    Also, .. configuring it for 'Ready to Fly', .. I am unable to get this egg-beater to go anywhere.


    I'm obviously missing a sequence/step or something, .. but, ... buggered if I can find it.


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


    I also purchased the 737-200 today, but from the Milviz site itself. Haven't tried that yet.







  8. Why?  I have been using 1920 x 1200 monitors for many years and and to my eyes they are just great for FSX - no issues whatsoever.




    I agree. 1920x1200 is a natural evolution from the old 1600x1200 4:3 aspect ratio on CRT monitors. It's unfortunate that many Computer Monitor manufacturers went with the 16:9 aspect ratio. However, I have noticed that a lot of the larger monitor sizes, now support the 2560x1600 resolution, which is also a 16:10 aspect ratio.


    The advantage of having a 16:10 monitor, is that we can run 16:9 as well .. :)


    Another advantage, for me anyway, .. is that running older games etc., .. that only support 4:3 aspect ratios, is that I can run 1600x1200 with out any issues at all.


    A 1920x1080 monitor could only support 1024x768 (4:3) or 1280x1024.(5:4).  1920x1200 can support these as well.


    So, definitely more flexibility with a 1920x1200 .. :)





  9. Hi Serhan,


    There's a couple of ways to do it. The following method is probably the easiest .. explanation wise anyway.


    The first thing you want to do, .. is to open the PMDG Operations Center.


    Open 'settings' from the Menu, .. and select/tick .. 'Associate PTPs with Operations Center' .. and SAVE.


    You can now Exit the Operations Center.


    Now, .. go find the Livery i.e. the ptp file, .. that you want to install, .. and double-click on it. You'll probably get prompted if you want to allow the Ops Center to run .. say Yes.


    The Operations Center will load ... and all you need to do, .. is follow the prompts.


    Hope that helps.


    You can do it totally from within the Ops Center, .. but, I'm sure you'll figure that out. :)





  10. I'd much rather not have the 777 sounds, if FSX is not in focus. On long trips etc., I sometimes minimize FSX and do some other stuff on my computer, .. or on my other Screen. (Watching a movie, TV show etc..) :rolleyes:


    Having the 777 playing continuously, whilst I'm busy with something else, .. would be extremely annoying. :angry:


    If it's an option than one can turn off or on, .. then fine.


    ... otherwise .. No!







  11. This is absolutely normal since there is no need to remain checked. Once you click on "Save", close the OPS Center and check your, e.g: saved NGX livery packs folder (assuming you have one for reinstalls, etc...) and you'll see that now all those files have a "OPS Center" icon. Now if you wish to install a new livery, just double click on it and OPS Center will open and install the livery automatically. 


    Fine, .. then how would one de-select that option?, .. such that .ptp files are not associated with 'Operations Center'.


    This select/de-select problem only started with vers. 1.04, .. and seemed to work fine prior to that. It was something I mentioned to Ryan in a ticket I logged pertaining to the 32/64 bit issue with Registry Keys. Vers. 1.04 resolved that issue, .. but brought about the issue with the .ptp association setting.


    It's hardly normal for an option, to be selected .. and reflect that it's selected by NOT showing the selected 'tick',

    .. especially when the other options in 'settings'  .. select and de-select fine.





  12. Hi,



    Well, .. I don't use any addons at all, .. have flown the 777 >20 hours now, .. and haven't had a single freeze at all.


    Oh, .. maybe the occasion split second pause, .. when textures are loading etc., but that's it.


    Maybe I'm just lucky ... :rolleyes:





  13. OK, .. it looks like these keys only work when FSX is running in Windowed Mode. :huh:


    A Window pops up on the screen (with the exclamation sound), .. with your Activation Code number etc.


    In Full Screen mode, .. you hear the sound of the popup .. but, without the popup, .. and the sim freezes.


    Is this by design, .. or a teenie bug?





  14. There is Aircraft Specific Settings

    Livery Manager

    Livery Downloader




    Hi Juan,


    Thanks, .. I guessed as much, .. as I am seeing those options for the Jetstream, .. but not the 777. :huh:




  15. Hi 777'ers



    Has anybody been able to get any results from either the 'Activation Code No.' or 'Unregisters' LSKs in the PMDG Setup/License page of the FMC?


    When I click on either of the 2 keys, .. I get a Windows Exclamation sound and the sim freezes.


    Only by pressing the 'ESC' key, .. can I get things going again.


    Would like to know if anyone has the same problems.









  16. Hi 777'ers



    Has anybody been able to get any results from either the 'Activation Code No.' or 'Unregisters' LSKs in the PMDG Setup/License page of the FMC?


    When I click on either of the 2 keys, .. I get a Windows Exclamation sound and the sim freezes.


    Only by pressing the 'ESC' key, .. can I get things going again.


    Would like to know if anyone has the same problems.









  17. Another here who can't download the liveries :(  the Op Centre does not recognise that I own the NG and 777, It only gives me options for the J41. 


    I have the same problem.


    The Ops Manager only gives me Menu options (Settings, Livery Manager etc) for the Jetstream, .. but, no options at all for the 777. I sorta get the 777 Home/Advert page, .. with the 777 plane icon on the left, .. but nothing below that .. e.g. Livery Manager etc.


    How many Menu options should there be for the 777?, .. aside from the Livery Manager.




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