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Posts posted by turner447

  1. Good afternoon / Early Evening,


    I having some trouble with the 777 i also had this with 737 and ILS approaches. especially trying to get lined up with it from the route I've just taken.


    Basically when programming the Flight computer i put my STAR in and all the good stuff. then i get the ROUTE DISCONTINUITY and i copy the CI27 (say for example) which is the first point under the DISCON line. 


    This is due to a video i watched on the 737 and he did this so assumed it was normal.


    I can never get lined up properly;y and always tend to do nose down approach. I did follow the tutorial which is good! but when i do my own routes i just simply have to pull some G and nose dive to make i to the runway.


    If you need some more information or can't understand the point i'm trying put across let me know.






  2. Good afternoon / Early Evening,


    I having some trouble with the 777 i also had this with 737 and ILS approaches. especially trying to get lined up with it from the route I've just taken.


    Basically when programming the Flight computer i put my STAR in and all the good stuff. then i get the ROUTE DISCONTINUITY and i copy the CI27 (say for example) which is the first point under the DISCON line.


    This is due to a video i watched on the 737 and he did this so assumed it was normal.


    I can never get lined up properly;y and always tend to do nose down approach. I did follow the tutorial which is good! but when i do my own routes i just simply have to pull some G and nose dive to make i to the runway.


    If you need some more information or can't understand the point i'm trying put across let me know.







  3. Good Morning,


    I am currently residing in the UK and i am wishing to buy the 777. 

    My question to you is do i need to have the exact equivalent of $89.99 (56.10) which i had last night and all my attempts were declined.

    Or do i need £89.99 in my account then it's all exchanged to dollars and then i try to figure out what happens after?


    Just really confused that's

    Christopher Turner 

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