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  1. Just read an article about these and did a brief search on here and knowing PMDG are considering it even if it's visual then thats a great start : ) Those little boeing just keep on going (not so little anymore)
  2. I can land the plane perfect when i'm flying visually and get lined up by ATC on the likes of VATSIM, but i'm always the one who asks for Radar Vectors to ILS. Brazen - I'll pop it on tomorrow along with my route.
  3. I'm going to try an Offline flight where i know what my STAR is going to be and the runway in use. then i will take snapshots so i can rectify my mistakes!
  4. Sorry! if it needs removing just point in the right direction.
  5. I'll have a go with some screen shots. But the PFD is even showing it as a tight approach (rather bendy on the map). i have to disconnect the auto pilot as LOC and GS rarely work with it. so i do know that i'm doing something wrong.
  6. Good afternoon / Early Evening, I having some trouble with the 777 i also had this with 737 and ILS approaches. especially trying to get lined up with it from the route I've just taken. Basically when programming the Flight computer i put my STAR in and all the good stuff. then i get the ROUTE DISCONTINUITY and i copy the CI27 (say for example) which is the first point under the DISCON line. This is due to a video i watched on the 737 and he did this so assumed it was normal. I can never get lined up properly;y and always tend to do nose down approach. I did follow the tutorial which is good! but when i do my own routes i just simply have to pull some G and nose dive to make i to the runway. If you need some more information or can't understand the point i'm trying put across let me know. Regards Chris
  7. Good afternoon / Early Evening, I having some trouble with the 777 i also had this with 737 and ILS approaches. especially trying to get lined up with it from the route I've just taken. Basically when programming the Flight computer i put my STAR in and all the good stuff. then i get the ROUTE DISCONTINUITY and i copy the CI27 (say for example) which is the first point under the DISCON line. This is due to a video i watched on the 737 and he did this so assumed it was normal. I can never get lined up properly;y and always tend to do nose down approach. I did follow the tutorial which is good! but when i do my own routes i just simply have to pull some G and nose dive to make i to the runway. If you need some more information or can't understand the point i'm trying put across let me know. Regards Chris
  8. There was a topic on this a few weeks ago. It's on the FMC in EQUIPMENT and shut be a LSK on there. Sorry for the vague description.
  9. thanks very much i will try this. i didn't know there was any charges etc.
  10. Good Morning, I am currently residing in the UK and i am wishing to buy the 777. My question to you is do i need to have the exact equivalent of $89.99 (56.10) which i had last night and all my attempts were declined. Or do i need £89.99 in my account then it's all exchanged to dollars and then i try to figure out what happens after? Just really confused that's Christopher Turner
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