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Posts posted by tbarker1989

  1. In the Flysimware LJ35, This is the lights section from the aircraft.cfg screen.

    //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin       

    light.1 = 10,  10.80,  0.00,  1.4, fx_vclight
    light.2 = 10,  6.80,  0.00,  1.4, fx_vclight
    light.3 = 10,  3.00,  0.00,  1.4, fx_vclight
    light.4 = 8,  -1.00,  0.00,  1.4, fx_vclight
    light.5 = 9,  11.70,  -3.70,  -0.9, fx_vclight

    light.6 = 1,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_NONE
    light.7 = 2,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_NONE
    light.8 = 3,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_NONE
    light.9 = 4,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_NONE

    light.10 = 5, -0.00,   3.95,  -1.2, fx_landing_3D_FSW
    light.11 = 5, -0.00,  -3.95,  -1.2, fx_landing_3D_FSW
    light.12 = 6, -0.00,   3.95,  -1.2, fx_landing_3D_FSW
    light.13 = 6, -0.00,  -3.95,  -1.2, fx_landing_3D_FSW
    light.14 = 7,  6.00,   17.80,  0.4, fx_landing_3D_FSW
    light.15 = 7,  6.00,  -17.80,  0.4, fx_landing_3D_FSW

  2. Robert,

    That is understandable. I can agree with your conclusion. I wasn't saying it "must be" in the installer. I said "may be". I can agree to your animosity that most users on here have. I wasn't intending to throw blame or anything like that. I can agree that something did mess it up but I cannot tell you with 100% what did. I am a PMDG Fan.

    Hopefully, all is well.

  3. I just ran across this issue as I do not fly the NGX much anymore. Mine was caused by missing a <Launch.Addon> for the PMDG HUD Interface. I believe this to be a bug in the most recent installer. Mine was this.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
      <Name>PMDG Interface</Name>
    <Launch.Addon> <---------This was missing!!!!!
      <Name>PMDG HUD Interface</Name>


    This was causing the rest of my entries to not be started due to this error. I added the <Launch.Addon> entry after the </Launch.Addon and it loaded correctly.

  4. 2 minutes ago, scandinavian13 said:

    Thanks. Thankfully the updater allows us to release updates quickly like that, and save the headaches of larger downloads and multiple uninstall/reinstalls.

    Converting to use the updater was a great idea! Not having to download the installer every time for a new update is great!

  5. Pauly, you my man are a real G and you know what you are wanting out of your 747. Attempt to taxi a little slower and attempt to use little to no braking this should help with your overheating issue. Yes, it is possible I taxi with little to no braking but I am also not taxiing like southwest. That is if you want to not cook them but hey, you do you and have fun doing it. 🙂

  6. 27 minutes ago, 30K said:

    Hopefully that one.

    I've noticed quite a few quirks with it, for example, the moment you turn on the wipers the rain on the windows gets washed off immediately and when turning off vice versa. What also can happen is that the occasional rain droplet, which runs from top to bottom, can run through the wiper as it moves, creating a very unrealistic feeling. I mean it's pretty solid but requires also a lot of work when compared to TFDI or other devs.

    What I also think is that it still looks not really 3 dimensional. It really feels like a simple texture.

    That is some kind of installation issue, maybe a bug. I have had that and once I do a reinstall it works fine after.

  7. Kyle, I am following what you are saying! About the releasing information, I will take all the updates you have to offer. Heck slide me a few under the table too (I won't say a word to anyone). More information in my opinion is better than no information. I understand development takes time and kinks come in the way. I was just testing a piece of software recently and I cannot tell you how many times I tested 1 minor thing for it to execute as expected.

  8. I took off from KEDW to PHNL. My initial altitude was FL380. I had an initial step climb planned to FL400 and a later step climb to FL430 along the flight. I stepped up to FL400 with no problem. I then step climbed up to FL430 when it said to but when I dialed FL430 into the MCP it changed to showing this. Later after I was no longer speed limited it corrected itself to showing correctly. Is this proper operation of the FMC?


  9. I did some further testing in an attempt to assist with the issue.

    I tested these aircraft with the following results:

    747-400 & 747-8 - OUTBD L and R, INBD L, Beacon, and Nav provided updates. INBD R, rwy turnoff L & R, taxi, strobe, wing and logo provided no updates. The wing and rwy turnoff lights aren't an issue

    777-300 & 777-200 - Landing L, N, and R, Beacon, and Nav provided updates. Rwy turnoff L & R, taxi, strobe, wing, and logo provided no updates. The wing and rwy turnoff lights aren't an issue just like in the 747.

    737-800 - Fixed landing gear, taxi, logo, anti collision, and position all provided updates. I was by myself so I could not verify that the Position light on steady was nav lights only and on strobe and steady that it was nav lights and strobes. Retractable landing, runway turnoff, wing and wheel well lights provided no update which isn't an issue for the application. Based on previous aircraft tests being the same I only tested one version of 737.

    Based on my results I believe the 737 is fine where it is at. It could be added to the retractable if you wanted it to be symmetrical. I know some of the information that I provided is not needed but might as well be thorough. All aircraft are the current release versions. 

    I hope this is beneficial to the process


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