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Posts posted by mh8794

  1.  Hi Mike,


    My two outer screens are at 1920x1080 vs my main is 2560x1600. I use windowed which really suits me well, I was referring to the OP's post about how to do it in full screen. But now that I think of it, you can use surround or the ATI offering which I think is Eyefinity?

    i have nvidia so it is surround. But what i mean by view is, VC view or cockpit view, ... just to have to outside view without panel etc.

    Also the problem i have if i undock panel to another screen, whenever i save and reload the flight the panels are back in the original place.


    I tought that when saving the flight, the panels would stay in the same place and you could load it as a default flight each time...

  2. Hey all,


    i want to use 3 screens to run fsx, with the two side screens to show side views of the cockpit and the center view to show to forward view. In case i don't need to see the cockpt itself (separate hardware or screens to display gauges, pannel, mcp, ...), which views do i need to use to make this happen?


    I have a GTX680 4GB videocard.



    My goal is to have as much peripheral view as possible (as in a real plane).



  3. I had exactly the same problem. I ran Bojotes tool and it went away. I think the problem has something to do with memory. Also as mentioned already any type of ENB should be removed and then double and triple check to make sure all files are captured



    Strange enough i changed my CFG file to one generated by Ventuboo tool and it seems to work perfectly. The FPS are even higher.


    I used the tweaks by Word Not Allowed, but these seem better.


    I will do some more test to confirm.

  4. What I do, is that I load the Cessna at a default, low detail airport. Next I load the NGX and undock the windows I need and move them to the other screen. The windows should not be black now and all there's left to do, is to go to the airport you want. Would I try to undock stuff while at a high detail addon airport, I get black windows too.


    Johan Nordqvist

    Thanks for the tip, i'll try it tonight. But it's a weird turn around, don't you think?

  5. Or consider five views giving a panoramic 225º horizon !!!


    This screenshot was from my  ancient AMD 1.8 GHz 'puter which only had 3 monitors. So the side views were placed on monitors 2 & 3 to see if the concept really worked.

    It did!

    The horizon distortion is caused because screenshots assume the monitors are in a flat plane rather than actually placed in an arc around the pilot's eyes.

    The wingtips appear to be straight ahead for the same reason. 

    In a five monitor setup, #s 4 & 5 (& wingtips) would actually be placed beside the pilot's head- in a 180 arc- as in a real cockpit.


    Using this strategy you really only need 17-19" monitors to get a real life panorama - approx  the same dimensions of a real cockpit.

    Yes Yes! I know, that was 2D and Virtual is now the thing. But if you want realism, 2D is the way.


    Do you use 2 pc's for this? What kind of graphics card? Triplehead2go? FPS?

  6. I am uploading a full unshrunken copy of wht I see with a large 3600x 1920 resolution


    You will have to slide the pic around to see the whole thing


    This is at ORBX's freeare KVNY in FTGX



    //image deleted by moderator (exceeds both 1600 px max width and 400KB weight) -- please see AVSIM image posting rules in "Forums" dropdown //



    you will have to reload the image in a smaller size...



    In UK EGLL or NL EHAM with so many add ons, I get 11FPS

    That's why i want to avoid.

    As i am based in brussels, i like to fly into big european airports such as

    Amsterdam, London, Barcelona, Paris, Frankfurt, Roma, ...


    I need at least 16fps.


    Yesterday i landed into LGAV Athens at night with PMDG 737 NGX at about 18-20fps which is very good for me.

  7. I used to fly with 3x24" screens.   Then I upgraded those to 3x42" screens for both racing and flying.


        Then I bought another rig for racing and put 3x27" screens on that.   They key thing for racing is that I cannot use trackir so having the large screens wrap around me giving nearly 180degrees is really important.


         For my flying rig I one day tried a single 42" screen in the middle with the others turned off.   This is the first time in years I have tried flying with a single screen.  My impressions changed the way I fly now.


         Without the sides there was something missing a bit.   It was the peripheral view.  I felt a bit like I had tunnel vision compared to having the side monitors turned on.


         The reality of the situation was this though.   The frame rates were much better, things were smoother.   I use trackir and while the sides give you some peripheral vision you are not ever really looking at them directly.   When you do you are confronted with the distortion, often big time.


          Having had triples I also thought I could never go back but a single 42" screen with trackir has shown me that this is the way to go.   It has the size that smaller monitors can not give you and the track ir makes up for your other views.


          So I have gone through them all, big triples, smaller triples, small singles and large singles.  IMHO the large tv with trackir is the way to go for now.


          Instruments are easily readable, no issue there.  Things are still crisp, just larger.  Things to get harder to read just because the image size is larger.   You do need to have your tv configured properly or you can get an image with poor quality.  I am sure some people have seen incorrectly set up systems.


          If you have the space, I would suggest a second touchscreen can be helpful, you can put some instrumentation on it as well as interact with it if you want.   I do have a 22.5" touchscreen mounted under my 42" screen.  It's not used in every sim I fly in but is nice when supported.

    Hi Jason, 


    Thanks a lot for your advice. According to all the posts i got, this one makes it clear indeed that a large screen with track ir would be the best solution in order to keep the game running smoothly.


    Which resolution does your 42" screen have?

    Do you need to move your instruments to the touchscreen on every flight? Do you lose fps by dragging them onto another screen?




  8. Don't think I can really give you a meaningful figure to compare with. Too many variables.

    Just take 30% off the frame rates you are getting at your airports as a probable outcome.

    Might be time to overclock   :)



    I have already overclocked my CPU from 3.4ghz to 4.2ghz. But busy aiports don't get above 20fps. So i'm afraid to use 3 monitors to get to 14fps...

  9. This hasn't been asked here, and it may seem obvious, but do you have power cables attached to both of the 6/8 pin power headers on the card? I've heard of this sort of performance drop if one or both of the GPU power jumpers are not or are poorly connected. Also, daisy-chained jumpers to these power headers could be a problem--the reason there are two of them is to allow power to be supplied from two separate rails on lower-end multiple-rail PSUs.





    Thank you for your advise. I guess both where connected but i'm not sure.


    Yesterday i bought a new PSU and now they are both connected.


    I will do some testing and see if there are any changes.



  10. Just switched from 3x 26" to 3x 32" and wow what a view !



    What are your system specs? What is the average FPS you get?


    In a single screen configuration at 1680*1050 at at busy airport with clouds i get between 14-22fps.

    I would like to know how the 3 screen configuration would affect this performance



    Just switched from 3x 26" to 3x 32" and wow what a view !

    And are you using streched view?

  11. A large TV would just give you larger view of what you see on your monitor. Too large for me.


    I've run three 23-inch monitors for about 5 years under ATI's Eye Infinity, and I wouldn't, couldn't possible ever switch back.


    I do wish that someone over at 3DGuru or ATI would give us a fish eye fix (it's really a reversed fish eye with the extreme edges of the outside monitors being "zoomed") , but you quickly get used to it and even learn to turn it to your advantage.


    In case I wasn't clear in the above, I would / could never go back to single monitor. X3 is the bomb!




    Hi, thanks for your reply


    What rig are you on? What was the FPS drop using 3 screens.


    I would love to play on 3 screens, only if the FPS is decent.

  12. Hi All,


    I am wondering how to set up my screens. I bought the GTX 680 4GB and i would like to have a good panoramic view.


    I am doubting between getting 3 monitors to be setup with NVidia Surround, but here i am a bit afraid of the FPS hit.

    On the other hand, a good LED TV with high resolution in combination with Track IR could be very good as well.


    Please leave your advises and experiences here...



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