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Posts posted by EDDE

  1. Before PMDG 777 OOMs drove me crazy, then I:


    1. Unchecked high resolution cockpit

    2. Puled back autogen to middle range

    3. AI traffic to 12%

    4. Replaced LOD 4.5 with 3.5

    5. REX 1024 textures

    6. Through SCE, configured scenery.cfg to activate only the most necessary stuff (Basic FSX/ORBX files FTX Global/Vector, UTX/ST Landclass) and ONLY departure and arriving (HD payware) airports.


    Since then I haven't received ANY OOM's whatsoever with neither the core T7, SP1 or 1b.

    With this setup I've been flying for many hours pr session in clear weather, as well in heavy thunderstorms, without the need of saving/reloading before TD and all that.    


    Before I made the changes I did a quick trip from Lisbon to Zurich and got OOM at 8000ft while approaching Zurich (no additional airport). Then I applied your changes and flew a quick hop from Zurich to Leipzig without OOM. I will fly tomorrow to Athens from Leipzig and will report if I got a OOM

  2. Did you had an Store Account before you bought the 777 or did you used that "Guest" feature with paypal login ? If the 2nd, you must reset your password (eMail Adress is the same as your paypal eMail Adress) and use the new password to logon. After this, you can Download the 777 fine (i had the same issue when I bought the 777;)).

  3. No the MD-11 was not a huge success but was and still is a huge advancement in FS technology and automated systems. It remains one of my favorites to fly. Huge success or not it still took time for the price to drop.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    She should be a success - but as the real bird she is still underrated. I bought the Box years ago and I use her daily :)

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