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Everything posted by prowler5150

  1. The update checker flashed and I'm seeing the 40th splash screens, but no updates to download.
  2. Shh - we're not in the VR subforum. 😉 I'm wondering how pilot positioning works in VR. Can you operate the balloon while standing up and move around your play space like other VR games?
  3. My point was that, based on what I've seen and the description of the two channels, new versions are supposed to be released as Game Ready before Studio (or, sometimes, at the same time). The whole point is new versions hit Game Ready first so that any unseen bugs caused by the new updates can be worked out before hitting Studio. I was not making any commentary on the merits of either - I use Studio. As far as I know, they are the same - the only difference is Studio doesn't get every version, just those that have apparent stability. And you are correct - I don't know where this idea of "bloatware" in the drivers comes from.
  4. Based on their intended purposes, I wonder if the release of a driver version as a Studio driver before Game Ready was actually intentional.
  5. How does in-app purchasing work? Do you have to use a Microsoft account? Does it accept credit card, Paypal, Xbox gift cards?
  6. Is the internal "Marketplace" within the game the same as the MS Store?
  7. Will the internal store accept Steam Wallet funds or Xbox Gift Cards?
  8. Will the in-game marketplace require a Microsoft account? How will payments be handled? I'm wondering if the workings of the in-game marketplace are a reason to go MS Store vs Steam - i.e. if you need to have a MS Store account for the in-game marketplace, does it make sense to go with the MS Store from the start...
  9. Does this include non v4 aircraft or just scenery/weather/etc?
  10. They now have a website. It looks like the price is $199, not $169. http://flyhoneycomb.com/
  11. Is the L-1011 base for P3D going to be 9.99? It looks like it is still 29.99.
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