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  1. Ah thats what it is my bad guys, thanks solves the mystery, thought i might have broken my PMDG haha
  2. Hey there guys i have this aircraft and love it to peices. Anyway I just had to a complete re-install of fsx and the pmdg. When i switch the battery on from a cold/dark start (do it straight after the emergency light) i used to hear a continuous clicking sound, but since the re-install i don't. Anyone know what I'm Missing? Thanks in advance
  3. Hey there guys i have this aircraft and love it to peices. Anyway I just had to a complete re-install of fsx and the pmdg. When i switch the battery on from a cold/dark start (do it straight after the emergency light) i used to hear a continuous clicking sound, but since the re-install i don't. Anyone know what I'm Missing? Thanks in advance
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