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  1. Well, I went ahead and removed this update just in case I want an addon that might be in conflict with this update. I read where this was an optional update and not considered critical anyway, so, I guess I am alright! Thanks for the information! Leafhopper
  2. Well, I don't have SweetFX! Was the Win7 update problem only related to SweetFX?
  3. The other day I was researching about why FSX will crash to desktop after varying lengths of flight time and I came across a thread about a Windows update that was found to cause this problem. I looked in the update records of my computer and found that I had this update, but, foolishly, I didn't remove it at that time. Now, I can't find the thread (even using the search function), to get the update number. I have had several CTD's after 30 minutes or sometimes even longer of flight. Not related to the menu crashes others had. When I get this crash, I can "alt/enter" and get the window back, but the window is black. Sometimes, I can then do "alt" again and get the menu bar and close FSX. Also, unrelated to above, I did the latest GeForce driver update and seem to have a problem with that, too. I have a GeForce GTX 650 card with 8 gig ram on board, and sometimes I get a weird graphics problem where the plane is not visible (virtual cockpit) and the scenery is blank except for a couple of autogen buildings floating in blank space. Is there a way to uninstall the new driver (not a beta) and return to the previous driver? Be kind, I'm a return flight simmer after several years of absence (due to health problems) and I don't remember all the tricks and tips I knew years ago. Also, when I was simming back then, I was using WinXP and am now trying to find my way around Win 7 home premium. Leafhopper
  4. That did the trick! It is working great now...why, I don't know, but what the heck! I'm a happy camper! Leafhopper
  5. I may have found the answer...I hope! I tried the peddle calibration tab and saw that the null zone was set to 0 on both peddles, so I increased the null to 50% and increased the sensitivity to full. I then tried the brakes and behold, the parking brake problem seemed to disappear.. I'll try a flight and see how it works. Why, on earth, would the toe brake (differential brakes) have anything to do with the parking brake?...Oh, well, if it works, JOY! I'll let you know after a few planes and ground taxi exercises. Leafhopper
  6. Toe brakes axis assignments are reversed already. I changed sensitivity to 0 from about mid range and no difference...It's the left toe brake that sets the parking brake, the right one behaves properly.
  7. I've really been enjoying getting back into flight simming, but, there is one thing that bugs me. I have all my Saitek stuff hooked up and setup. I've got toe brakes setup on my rudder pedals...;but, every time I use the differential brakes the parking brake is also applied. I can't figure it out. There is no entry on the parking brake that includes the rudder toe brakes. This makes it very difficult to taxi...almost impossible. Anyone had this problem and solved it?...PLEASE! Leafhopper
  8. kiki: Thanks for the links. Great historical training films! I now have the C-47 and it is really well done. I love the sound set (separate download). I fell for the piper cub at A2A. Very nice with a lot of bells and whistles...Haven't had time to explore all of it yet. Leafhopper
  9. I find OPUS very complicated and daunting! I think it is really meant for those into the tube-liners and flying virtual airlines. I just want to setup weather conditions or get current weather like FSX offers, but I want better cloud rendition than FSX provides. I also want better water textures...I live a 6 miles from the Pacific in Oregon and I have never seen the ocean the shade of blue that FSX shows. I downloaded FSWC for water rendition, but It doesn't seem to be doing anything. I wanted to get rid of the light blue water around Seattle and tried a few different settings in FSCW but nothing changed...probably did something wrong. They have a bunch of presets to choose from that look good in the preview window, but not in the sim. I know! I should read the instructions, right? I will, I will! I'm sure it's my fault! Dave
  10. The Staggerwing and the Waco are fantstic! I also have the Carenado Cessna 152, which is a great plane and holds a favorite spot for me as I learned to fly in a 150. Really takes me back! I'm off to look at the A2A offerings today. Leafhopper
  11. GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! Thank you rstough from REX! It is surly a wonder in this day to find a company that offers such wonderful customer service...and, I didn't even ask for it! But, I want everyone to know, REX is taking care of my problem! Leafhopper
  12. Simmerhead, Oh, boy, that looks GREAT! Where will it be offered for download? Leafhopper
  13. Oh, *@#*&@@! Well, it took 14 1/2 hours to download REXES...and the readme is unreadable and the windows installer is unrecognized and nothing happens when I click on setup...It appears that the download is corrupt! I'm not buying any software of that size (7.4GB) unless I can get it on disc. My DSL is only 54mbps (I live in the sticks), so I'm off to find something I can use that comes on a disc. Leafhopper
  14. Thanks for the link! I did register and now I'm off to download!
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