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  1. Thanks Lorby...will try...😄
  2. Hi Lorby, Thanks for your quick response. Loupedeck is available in A&O: Midi In : ID:1 Loupedeck Live and Midi Out: ID:2 Loupedeck Live. In Loupedeck Live I made for instance for Panel View : Midi Message: -Noteplay as option (Other options are: Note Toggle, CC Set, CC Toggle) -unique note: G(-2) -Duration: 50 -Velocity : 100 -Midi channel : 1 How do these values translate in A&O? Kind regards, AW
  3. Hi, Amt trying to connect Loupedeck Live with A&O for different views PMDG 737-700. Know how it works in Spad.Next but can,t find any tutorial how to do this in A&O. Like to keep all my scripting in A&O. Any help is highly appriciated. Kind regards, Anton Will van Zoelen
  4. Hi, Have gone back to version 1.3 for the time been. (see my other qustion). Can,t see the Shift Modes in that version. Will contact you in May. King regards, Anton Will van Zoelen
  5. Hi, Installed Linda 2.7.0 and sorry to say but nothing is working in any of my three planes (standard 737-800, Ifly 737-800 and Airbus 318/319/320/321 X). Used the FSX Default as configuration for standard B737-800. Used saved Ifly737 NG version 2.0 and Aerosoft Airbux X version 2.4. All thgree no functions working whatsoever. Have gone down to version Linda version 1.13 for the time been. Please advice... Thank you very much for any help. Kind regards, Anton Will van Zoelen
  6. Hi, Thanks very much for your advise, highly appriciated. Tried to work it out. The buttons for the three modes are M1=32 M2=33 and M3=34. I only don,t understand what you mean with "then you will need to select the Radio Buttons of the X55 Joystick page". Where can I find that because for now I can only override the control settings of buttons which I made in M1 in M2 and M3. Thanks for your help. Kind regards, Anton Will van Zoelen
  7. Hi, Have just bought an second hand original MCP Combo and installed Linda 1.13. I fly wth standard B737-800 and that works fine. Also use Ifly 737-800 and tried to work this with the Ifly 737 configuration which came with Linda 1.13, but only the radios and speed, heading en alt selection work. Fly also the newest Aerosoft Airbus X but works the same as Ifly737 when I selct the Airbus configuration Can I use Linda 2.6.9 with the MCP in combination with the latest configurations with my planes? Thank you very much for your help. Kind regards, Anton Will van Zoelen
  8. Hi, Would like to know if ts possible to create two extra switch options for all my switches on the throttle panel of the X55 when I switch the Mode switch M1, M2 or M3. Thank you very much. Kind regards, Anton Will van Zoelen
  9. Hi there, Does anybody know whether the autopilot can be operated with standard FSX airplanes or Ifly- or Aerosoft A318 series? Thanks. Kind regards Anton Will van Zoelen
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