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Posts posted by Merandus

  1. Hello,


    I believe this bug is similar to the aerosoft airbus one that I recently reported. MCE cannot change the ILS and course setting on the pedestal of level-d 767.


    me: Set nav 1 109.9

    copilot: affermitive setting nav one, 109.9.

    me: nav one ident on

    copilot: No stations identified. or, copilot: We're not getting a signal on this frequency.


    i'm also at the range of ILS. in fact, i'm sitting at the airport which frequency i'm trying to tune in.

    Hope that this bug gets fixed.


  2. Ah ok, I never made a flow for the AXE because the right hand mcdu allows you to program cold and dark directly, and you can also set the aircraft to always start in cold and dark. Having said that, it would not take long to create an MCE flow to set everything to cold and dark.


    Sent from my Mobile thing



    Thanks. i'll get on it sometime. I might just get a friend over teamviewer to turn on the "Always cold and dark" thing.


    Do you happen to have  scripts for pmdg ngx? it would be awesome if there  was a place which people could share their scripts -if they wanted to-

  3. There is no such built-in command, but you can create one for those fully supported aircraft. We have created one for the Majestic Q400. The Milviz 732 which will be supported next month will have one too.


    Go to <Command> tab of the user interface and click <VoxScript> button


    Click <New> to create a new custom voice command. Type your custom command that would trigger the reset to cold and dark and save it.


    Select the new command from the list and click Edit.


    The Edit Script properties screen appears.


    Make sure you tick option "Requires confirmation" because you don't want that to happen by accident.


    Click <Edi voice commands>.


    In the next screen, add the succession of commands you would otherwise give one at a time to set every switch to match the cold and dark state.


    Don't forget to save at each step




    Landing lights off

    taxi light off

    strobe light off

    beacon light off

    shutdown engine one

    shutdown engine two

    both packs off

    both bleeds off

    engine anti-ice off

    pitot heat off

    Get me a cup of tea (OK I made this one up) :-))




    Hope this helps



    Wow, I think that'd be a hard thing to do, things will mess up if I forgot one thing right?


    Thanks for replying anyway :) voxscripts are cool. I'll get a sighted help to make some for me.




  4. Hello,


    There are two bugs regarding PMDG 737 ngx.

    1: If you tell your copilot to set your virticle speed to a  negative number, (eg on descend) he will set it to +6000 no matter what you say.

    me: Set virticle speed minus two thousand.

    co-pilot: setting virticle speed minus two thousand.

    (sets it up to +6000)

    I have to  do the command for the second or third time for him to do the action and bring it back to negative. sometimes, he will set Vspeed, but forgets to push the  Vspeed button.


    bug 2: the buttons like, (speed hold, altitude hold, approach hold, track hold)

    If you tell your co-pilot to turn them off, he always says that they are already off, while they can be either on or off. (it's like that he always considers them as off)

    but if you command him to turn them on, he will press the button. if you command him to turn it on again, he presses the button and it will turn off.

    so, in theory, the turn off commands does not work at all, and you have to use the engage/set on/turn on commands to switch them on and off..


    me: track hold on

    co-pilot: roger, track hold, activated now. (he turns it on.)

    me: track hold off.

    co-pilot: "track hold, it's already  off captain" or "track hold, already disengaged"  (he does not do anything and the switch remains armed)


    me: track hold on

    co-pilot: roger captain, track hold, engaged  (he turns off the switch)


    IS there any possibilities for this bug to be fixed? or  it's because the way that pmdg switches work. I'm a blind pilot, and  it's very annoying because I have no idea that if either these switches are on right now, or off.


    Thank you.

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