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Posts posted by rfresh737

  1. >But when I starting to practice the "impossible turn" for PC12

    What is that?

    You're referring to taking off with less than full power correct? What I call a reduced power TO. As you stated, if it's in the TO power charts then it's an option to use if you meet the specified conditions.

    I still don't know what you mean by "impossible turn"?

  2. SIDS (now called Departure Procedures or DPs) and STARS can be used by any aircraft, including any GA aircraft. While you don't really want to fly an ILS approach into Los Angeles International airport in your C-152, you could. More likely you would want to fly an ILS into a smaller airport that has an ILS.

    DPs and STARS are part of your IFR flight plan (your route of flight that is). You have to read everything on those 'plates' to see what applies to your type of aircraft. For example, a DP will say only jet aircraft can use this part of the DP or you must maintain a certain climb gradient or you must reach a certain altitude by so many miles from the airport, etc. You have to read and determine what your aircraft can meet for the departure.

    But to answer your question: it's entirely up to you how you fly the DP or STAR: autopilot or hand fly it. And those procedures apply to any aircraft on an IFR flight plan.

  3. Any EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) app would have that information. I use Foreflight on my iPad for my flight simulator flying as well as for my real flying (C-152, C-172 G1000).

    If you don't have an EFB just use a website that lets your download IFR approach plates for the airport you're flying to. If you interested in whether or not an airport has an ILS then you must have the plate to know how to fly it. You cannot fly an ILS approach without its plate.

    >but don't see a quick an easy way to see ILS/RNAV approaches at a glance except for right-clicking on an airport in the flight plan field and seeing what plates it has.

    I don't know of an easy at a glance way to do that. You'll have to click somewhere to call up the plates.

  4. >Now I activate LOC (NAV1 = 109.60, approx. 60nm distance; is displayed).

    This certainly is a problem. No matter that this works with other aircraft, the procedure is wrong! You never capture a localizer 60nm out, never. You want to capture inside a 20nm ring. 12 to 14 miles is ideal. If your aircraft isn't capturing the Loc at 60nm out, then it's probably being modeled correctly.


    Try this procedure:

    1. When you get to within 25 miles of your airport, select approach flaps and slow to about 150 kts.

    2. Set up your nav radios for your approach (Loc or ILS)

    3. Intercept the localizer at a 30 degree intercept angle.

    4. Capture the localizer.

    5. Monitor the glideslope (GS) needle now. At one dot above GS put the gear down.

    6. At GS capture select landing flaps and set your Vref (approach) speed + 10 kts.

    7. Fly it in, in this configuration, and make a normal landing.

    Good luck.

  5. The Mustang is actually a great Citation to learn to fly. It's got nice glass avionics and systems wise, it's design has made improvements over the previous Citation models such as the II and the V (which is where I have most of my Citation experience).

  6. If all systems are operating normally, one pilot can fly a 747 without any issues. I'm not sure what the other 'automation help' does for the pilot flying but I can't imagine what it would be doing that the PIC couldn't do themselves. I have flown in level D full flight simulators (L-1011, B-747, DC-10) and one pilot can fly around the pattern doing touch and goes or full stop landings just fine.

  7. The Linux version is now finished. There is a download link on the website (URL shown below). It is ver1.1. Please read the instructions on the website regarding the Linux version of fp2fms. The launch file is run.command. You will have set your file manager Preferences to be able to click on this file and have fp2fms open up. It's explained on the home page of the website.

  8. I provide some information on that Foreflight encoding error on my  fp2fms website. Near the bottom of the tutorial page. FF acknowledged to me it's a bug in their software. I dont know when they will fix it so I put how you can fix it inside my fp2fms app as you mentioned. 

    I also reported to FF they've added some FF specific data to their XML data structure.  I had to add code to ignore it in order for fp2fms to work. During my research of the fpl file format I discovered there really isn't any standard for this format. What companies have done when they needed to add their own data is create a new XML tag. I suggested respectfully to FF they do the same.

    You can read all about this on that fp2fms tutorial page.


  9. Oh yes, LNM can generate an Xplane fms file. However, you cannot change what that looks like before you export it. For example, you get the default waypoint names (WP1, WP2, etc). Not very pilot friendly. Also, you cannot add any leg altitudes in a pilot friendly manner.

    If you export the way I do (LNM->SkyVector.com->*.fpl file) you have a great opportunity to load the fpl file into fp2fms, edit the waypoint names and optionally, add leg altitudes. As I show in my fp2fms video tutorial, my route has a waypoint just north of the Disneyland TFR. fp2fms gave this waypoint a default name such as WP150 or in the case coming from SkyVector.com, SV150. Inside fp2fms, I changed this waypoint name to WPDIS or SVDIS. The DIS reminds me this is the DISneyland waypoint. Much more pilot friendly. As long as a waypoint is 5 characters long, you're good to go. So I could have named it DISNY or DLAND. You get the idea. Another waypoint I have in the example route in the tutorial is at Prado Dam. I changed the default name in fp2fms to from SV152 to SVDAM.

    I used to do all my flight planning in FF too but LMN has got the BEST airspace overlays I have ever found in a flight planning tool. Since I fly a real C-172 out of the Long Beach airport (near KLAX) I fly in the one of the most complex airspaces in the US. LNM is just beautiful at showing me the blocks of airspace all around my route. So I can select my leg altitudes to fly below or above the blocks, as necessary. When I can't do that then I just call up Flight Following.

  10. (I'm not sure this is the right forum for this post. If not, I respectfully ask the moderator to move it)

    I wrote a converter utility that will convert ForeFlight FPL (flight plan) files into FMS files for Xplane aircraft that have GPS units: G1000, G3000, 530/430 and 737-800 CDUs.

    There is a website with more information here fp2fms

    I am making this utility available to anyone for free.

    Thank you...

    • Like 3

  11. Is there documentation somewhere that explains what the .fpl structure/format types are:


    2 NDB

    3 VOR

    11 NAMED FIX


    ? INT <------ what does this mean? what is it's numeric value?

    ? INT-VRP <------ what does this mean? what is it's numeric value?


  12. Are there any short cut keys for the EFIS? Such as selecting range or vor/map modes? Or enabling/disabling WPT, ARPT and DATA buttons?

    I'm also trying to assign keys to tune the Nav radios but the default settings in FSX don't seem to work to select/tune the Nav radios.



  13. I know this is an old review, but I was wondering if the issues mentioned by Seth Evans in his page 1 post have been addressed by Carenado (since 2013)? Or does is package still the same one as released in 2013?

  14. My FSX Gold DVD went bad and my PC can no longer read off of it (rats!). So I purchased FSX Steam Edition and installed it on a new gaming PC. I went to install my 737 NGX and found it wouldn't accept the activation code when I entered it in. It says my activation code has had too many activations. Now what can I do to fix this? Am I out of luck and have to purchase another 737NGX product from PMDG?



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