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About rfresh737

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    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Aviation and watch making.

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  • About Me
    Citation instructor and watch maker.

About Me

  • About Me
    I am a semi-retired airline instructor pilot. During my career as an instructor on the 'big iron' birds, I taught ground school, recurrent training and initial pilot training courses in the actual aircraft and in the level D full flight simulators.

    I have created some free 737NGX training videos. I created the Basics Boot Camp Series of training videos, aimed primarily at new flight simmers.

    My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/rfresh1011

    I am currently a laid off Citation II and Citation V instructor (classroom and simulator) from FlightSafety.

    I also build custom GMT pilot watches: www.gmtpilots.com

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  1. I'd like to add outside camera views to my camera app. I've been using 3D cockpit camera views. Now that I'm trying to create outside camera views, I must be missing a setting via SimConnect to get out of 3D mode and into Outside view mode?
  2. Hi Jeff, Can you please post your issue on my dedicated support forum (P3D Section) so I can track it and get in touch with you? EZCamViews support forum here: http://www.ezcamviews.net/forums Thanks...
  3. One of my P3D testers has an issue with clicking on a camera view using the CCM window. The view changes but the focus doesn't return to P3D. He is running Windows 10. I was wondering if anyone else is using windows 10 and has this problem? I'm trying to trouble shoot this issue. Thanks...
  4. Sorry for the delay. I had some xxx spam problems with some spammers and I had to change the registration to require my approval. I've removed that now but I don't see your username in the waiting to be approved queue. Please registration again and it should be immediate now. Thanks for your patience.
  5. SE support has been available for awhile now. Its on the website...I have an FSX SE page. Thanks...go to the website and down load 0.9.8. I may be adding the head shake feature in the future. Please post a request for this on the website (see below for URL). I can then track your request. EZCamViews has functionality to support camera views, not functionality to look or act like any other camera app. Please look over the website and if you're interested, down load the app and give it a go. It would be best to post your questions on my dedicated forum rather than start long threads in this forum. The website is www.EZCamViews.net and the forum is here: www.EZCamViews.net/forums Thanks...
  6. I can take a look at that. I don't use TrackHatClip. Do you use it and can you test it? If you don't mind can you post this on my dedicated forum so I can keep track of this request? Thanks. EZCamViews support forum here: http://www.ezcamviews.net/forums Yes P3D is now supported...please check the website...information is there about P3D support: www.EZCamViews.net I'm planning to add outside views. Camera views can already be controlled via the keyboard and the mouse if you choose. I have to read up on what observer management is, so I can't answer that at the moment. Can you please add a post for this to the dedicated forum so I can track this: EZCamViews support forum here: http://www.ezcamviews.net/forums Thanks...
  7. The app name is EZCamViews, not EZCam. You have an option switch between views "instantly" or "transition" between views smoothly. And no, the view doesn't jump into the back seat. Have you actually ran the app to see how the views change from one view to another?
  8. Thanks...removed the xxx spam and banned two users. The website URL should be www.EZCamViews.net
  9. I've recently added P3D support to my EZCamViews 3D cockpit camera app. I'm looking for a some P3D flight simmers who are interested in helping me test my camera app with P3D. I have a dedicated support forum here: http://www.ezcamviews.net/forums and my website is here: http://www.ezcamviews.net Please email me if you are interested in helping me to test. Thanks...
  10. >Teamviwer sounds like a great idea, but I'll just wait till you have the correct version up first. 0.9.6d is up and is the current correct version and you have verified you have it. Although I asked you to send me a screen shot and you didn't do that for reasons best known to you. There is no "correct version" for me to upload. You have it, according to you, but not verified by me. I had one other flight simmer who reported a zooming problem. I told him the same thing I told you: I need to hook up with his screen using Teamviewer, and see exactly what he is talking about. I never heard back from him. I can't fix your zooming problem until I can see your screen and see exactly first hand what the zooming issues are. So, I will wait until you have the time to work with me so I can help you. Just email me when you are ready. Thanks...
  11. You do not have the latest version, 0.9.6d. Can you please email me a screen shot of your Setup Camera Views window showing me the version text in the lower right corner? Thank you very much. If it does in fact show 0.9.6d then I have a bug to fix. "...the sim goes nuts again..." doesn't really help me to know what is wrong...when you want to trouble shoot this again, please email me and we will need to do a Teamviewer screen share so I can see exactly what you are doing. Thanks...
  12. 1. Your are not using the latest version. Please down load and install the latest version. I can only help you if you are using the latest version. Thank you. 2. It sounds like your FSX isn't working correctly. So, you start up FSX and load in a C-172 and your default zoom in the upper right corner is 0.60? Is that right? That doesn't sound right as for the default aircraft, 0.30 is the default. And EZCamViews isn't even started at this point, right? What happens when you press the FSX default zoom out key? (-). Does it zoom out? I think from your answer it does and you say "it doesn't make any difference" which means what? The zoom doesn't change? If you press the FSX zoom keys - and = and the zoom doesn't change then you have a problem with FSX it sounds like. 3. You do know that you can resize the CCM window right? 5x5 cm for the buttons? Is that what your saying? I'm still not clear on what you want with the CCM window, you're trying to tell me you'd like 5x5 cm buttons? 4. We need to link our PC's together so you can show me exactly what the zooming problem is on your FSX. We can use Teamviewer from Teamviewer.com and talk over their VoIP. Please email me when you have this remote desktop support software installed and tell me what time would be best for you? I am in Los Angeles. Thanks.
  13. What is your ID Code please? >I can't set any views What happens to prevent you from setting any views? How are you attempting to set your view? >5 x 5 cm What is that in pixels? The square buttons are 55x55 pixels. HoW many buttons do you want and what pixel size. I don't know what 5 x 5 cm refers to? The buttons? The whole CCM form? What aircraft are you using? What is the default zoom value for that aircraft and where did you get that default zoom info from?
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