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  1. This thread is really pointed toward one issue I've been having on long flights with FSX. I've got an Alienware M14x with an: i7 3.3g (4 real core, 4 virtual) GeForceGT 650M with 2gigs (DDR5) 6 gigs of RAM and enough hard drive space to run it comfortably With that said, on long flights with either the Majestic Dash 8 or PMDG 737, the sim would simply freeze/lock up. I would be getting decent frame rates of 20ish on complicated ground textures and up above 35+ high in the air. I had no complaints about smoothness however as I mentioned, the sim simply locks up while I would click around the virtual cockpit doing routine and simple procedures, or even sometimes nothing at all. I applied the highmemfix to the cfg which worked for the skeletoning issue I had but the freezing continued. I did apply *******'s complete, suggested fix but that unfortunately caused more issues than it fixed. This, for me is a deal breaker as I'd like to be able to make long hauls with complicated (for me) navigation tools. I don't want to spend an hour or more in a flight and have the sim lock up half way through or at any point for that matter. With that said, I know v2 of P3D is brand new but I'm soliciting opinions on if you all think I will encounter the same issue with freezes. Any ideas? Chris
  2. So far the HIGHMEMFIX by itself seems to have worked in my testing. As much as the attempt was appreciated, the rest of the modifications in the bojote tweak seems to have been causing some other undesirable issues. I'll keep on testing this small tweak. That said, has anyone experienced the skeletoning or crashing with the MD11?
  3. Btw I see even on PMDG's own intro manual that they suggest using the HIGHMEMFIX = 1 in the graphics section of the fsx.cfg file. Is this suggestion present under the MD-11 product? Likewise, what program can I open this fsx.cfg file with? It doesn't seem I currently have the right program to do so. I can give adding it manually a shot instead of using the whole kitten kaboodle that ******* Altuve had sent me.
  4. I already have the PMDG 737 and it by far seems to be, for me, the most bug ridden plane I've got. The frame rates don't so much take a hit (steady around low 20's on the ground of KSFO or Heathrow) as much as the textures "skeletonize" frequently. Sometimes when coming out of a flight, the rotating plane screen will be blank, sometimes in a flight the textures will just disappear and on one occasion, my computer froze. I'm not by any means trying to smear their work, in fact I've been tempted many times by their MD-11. My question is, how will it compare, system resources wise? Is there a good chance I'll likely have the same issues with that product as well? I have the Majestic Dash 8 and it is by far the best plane I have. Smooth frames, no odd issues but to be fair, it did freeze once over the Atlantic while coming back from St Maarten. Otherwise, flawless. FPS are at round 30+ in the same situations. I have of all things an Alienware M14x with an i7 quad core at around 2.4 g, 6 gigs of ram and GT650m (?) about 1.5 g. You'll forgive me if I'm not terribly familiar with the proper terms. I tried *******'s tweak and while it did actually help by the flights seeming to fair better in regards to no weird textures, loading flights and coming out of them often crashed the whole program half the time. Ultimately, my main question is how do you think the will MD-11 fair in comparison to the 737? Secondary, I personally don't care much for having a super detailed (or any for that matter) exterior. Is there any way to easily remove the exterior modeling to free up some resources? Chris
  5. I already have the PMDG 737 and it by far seems to be, for me, the most bug ridden plane I've got. The frame rates don't so much take a hit (steady around low 20's on the ground of KSFO or Heathrow) as much as the textures "skeletonize" frequently. Sometimes when coming out of a flight, the rotating plane screen will be blank, sometimes in a flight the textures will just disappear and on one occasion, my computer froze. I'm not by any means trying to smear their work, in fact I've been tempted many times by their MD-11. My question is, how will it compare, system resources wise? Is there a good chance I'll likely have the same issues with that product as well? I have the Majestic Dash 8 and it is by far the best plane I have. Smooth frames, no odd issues but to be fair, it did freeze once over the Atlantic while coming back from St Maarten. Otherwise, flawless. FPS are at round 30+ in the same situations. I have of all things an Alienware M14x with an i7 quad core at around 2.4 g, 6 gigs of ram and GT650m (?) about 1.5 g. You'll forgive me if I'm not terribly familiar with the proper terms. I tried *******'s tweak and while it did actually help by the flights seeming to fair better in regards to no weird textures, loading flights and coming out of them often crashed the whole program half the time. Ultimately, my main question is how do you think the will MD-11 fair in comparison to the 737? Secondary, I personally don't care much for having a super detailed (or any for that matter) exterior. Is there any way to easily remove the exterior modeling to free up some resources? Chris
  6. Y'all got it again. I didn't activate APPR. Oops. Also, I understand that the radio's can be set with the FMS (which is what I do) and that it can store up to 10 frequencies. The catch for me is I'm having a small problem setting everything but the active frequency. Any ideas?
  7. You all got it! I was trying to activate VNAV too early. I needed to wait to get the yellow "vert alert"/TOD bubble contacting the plane before I activate the VNAV. It was a matter of timing that wasn't previously explained very well. Safety feature to make sure you're paying attention? With that said, evything went great from there and I set up the autopilot to read the ILS, which it did, however it wouldn't follow the glidescope. Any ideas?
  8. Ok, do I need to select VNAV on the autopilot panel right as the TOD bubble comes into contact with the plane marker? I've been selecting it just after the two minute warning and it hasn't worked. Or do I need to select V/S as well? Likewise, when selecting a new altitude via ATC, in addition to scrolling the new altitude and hItting ALT SEL, do I also need to select V/S? (so the plane will begin to ascend or descend)
  9. I'll try and get a screenshot tonight. Also, I can't change the altitude with the autopilot once I've established cruise. Any ideas?
  10. I'm getting into flight planning with the Dash 8 and have been having problems with VNAV. In going through the sample flight and everything goes well until I set up the VNAV for descent. I set the flight up per the instructions, get to cruising altitude, go to VNAV in the FMS, hit TO (on the left side), select HABBS, hit enter multiple times until it sets the VNAV and I get a message saying VNAV is disconnected. I hit RTRN and the VNAV screen shows my distance and time from HABBS at this point. I set the new altitude to 3000, hit alt sel, wait for the magenta V to come up on the altitude tape (2 minutes out from TOD), and I select VNAV from the AFCS. I wait for the time to elapse and the Dash just continues on merrily at FL250 once the time has come and gone. 1. What should I be doing instead? Also, this autopilot is not intuitive (to me). When trying to select a new altitude regardless of VNAV, it just wont take like the more simple systems I am more accustomed to (TBM850 and the like). 2. If I am just crusing along and I am assigned a new altitude by ATC, how do I change that amd make the plane go there? Thanks much, Chris
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