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Posts posted by Ssnake51

  1. 54 minutes ago, Anxarces said:

    No, it will still be 11Gb. Each card needs the same data in VRAM, thus it is not doubled. They share the rendering so both cards  need the textures, etc. For example, card 1 can‘t access the memory from card 2.

    Yes, so if one was going to spend that much money they would be better off getting an RTX Titan.   That gives one 24GB vram vs the 11 GB with a 2080TI,

  2. 3 hours ago, Rob_Ainscough said:

    Yes, as does TEXTURE_SIZE_EXP=10 provided you have enough VRAM.

    Myself and a few other developers recommended LM not release V5, there are many issues/bugs ... 

     The question that comes to mind is why wasn't this info regarding the 'many issues/bugs' posted here before V5 went on sale?

  3. Am trying to uncheck the Restore Time on Move box on the Select Airport page.  However am unable to do so. Is there some other setting that might be preventing me from doing so?

    Here is a pic:

    I tried asking this question in another post earlier today, but was unable to display a pic at that time.  Finally figured out how to display pic, apologies for double posting.

  4. 1 hour ago, MadDog said:

    No.  I agree that you will see very little detail (if any) at altitude... but it is not that dark in real life when looking down at it.

    I have the same impression.  Reminds me of that old combat sim IL-2 Sturmovik 1946,  Those with Nvidia cards also would have black water unless a few changes were made in the .cfg file.

  5. Another question regarding the use of FSGlobal 2010.  Looks like the only downloadable version of that product is the one listed as FTX compatible.  Am I correct in assuming that it should still be ok to use it in P3D with GEP3DUTX?


    I currently am using FSG2010 in FSX with FTX products but plan on replacing FTX with GEX/UTX this weekend since I like what I am seeing in P3D.

  6. Gee, Ssnake51 - if your vision is that lousy, you won't be able to appreciate the beauty of the GEX/UTX combination!


    :LMAO: :LMAO:




     It's all relative. :smile:


    So far looking better to me than FTX Global and FTX Vector flying around the SF Bay Area where I live.


    Am now wondering if it is ok to install FS Global 2010 or will it mess things up?

  7. Thanks for clarifying that, Anthony.


    I purchased the Professional  rather than the Academic version of P3D because I wanted to help contribute to its development.  Am not currently enrolled in any professional training course.  Nor, given my lousy vision and hearing, do I plan on ever enrolling.


    Will make purchasing GEX P3D a much more pleasant experience than I was expecting. :BigGrin:

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