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Posts posted by arnonmoscona

  1. Thanks for the update!

    Unfortunately, I consistently get an integrity check failure on one file (SimObjects\Misc\PMDG_Services_Cabin_NGXu\model.CabinTruckNGXu\PMDG_Services_Cabin_Truck_NGXu.mdl) and this aborts the update every time. I did try to delete the files under AppData\Roaming\PMDG\PMDG Operations Center\Updater\PMDG 737-800 a few times to force a new download, but it always fails at the same spot. Could it be a bad file on the server side? I don't have any anti-virus running while doing the update.

    Any ideas?

    Tail of the log:


    2019/12/25 13:23:04 [PMDG 1] File 163 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:04 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 164 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:04 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_737NGXu_decal.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:05 [PMDG 1] File 164 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:05 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 165 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:05 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_737NGXu_decal_metallic.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:05 [PMDG 1] File 165 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:05 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 166 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:05 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_737NGXu_engines_metallic.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:06 [PMDG 1] File 166 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:06 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 167 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:06 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_737NGXu_fuselage1_metallic.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:11 [PMDG 1] File 167 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:11 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 168 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:11 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_737NGXu_fuselage2_metallic.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:12 [PMDG 1] File 168 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:12 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 169 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:12 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_737NGXu_fuselage3_metallic.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:14 [PMDG 1] File 169 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:14 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 170 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:14 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_737NGXu_tail_metallic.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:19 [PMDG 1] File 170 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:19 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 171 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:19 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-900NGXu\texture.pmdg\PMDG_NG3_VC_N_Number.dds downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] File 171 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 172 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Misc\PMDG_Services_Baggage_Loader_NGXu\model.BaggageLoaderNGXu\PMDG_Services_Baggage_Loader_NGXu.MDL downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] File 172 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 173 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Misc\PMDG_Services_Bus_NGXu\model.ServicesBusNGXu\PMDG_Services_Bus_NGXu.mdl downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] File 173 of 181 downloaded, passed integrity check.
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] *** Handling file 174 of 181 ***
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 1] SimObjects\Misc\PMDG_Services_Cabin_NGXu\model.CabinTruckNGXu\PMDG_Services_Cabin_Truck_NGXu.mdl downloading.
    2019/12/25 13:23:20 [PMDG 2] Aborting product update, a downloaded file has failed integrity-check.

  2. This is the simplest thing I found so far. Thank you so much for adding a response to an old thread. It works nearly all the time.


    Unfortunately KSEA is still underground, but nearly all other airports that I tagged for myself as underground are now fixed. KSEA is nearly useless to me anyhow as FPS in the Seattle greater area is so bad that you really have to be at least 25 miles out of seattle before FPS is normal again.


    Thanks again!


    Hi, I know this is an old topic but I had this same problem and was able to find a solution. After disabling some entries in the Scenery Library to try and diagnose stutters I was having with a particular add-on aircraft I started getting walls at the airport I was at. Someone posted "run the configurator" which put me on the right track but here's a more detailed account of how to fix the problem:


    1) Run FTX Central, then click Settings then Tools and then FTX Global VECTOR Configuration Tool.

    2) Click the Airport Elevation Corrections tab.

    3) Click Run Auto-Configuration.

    4) When Auto-Configuration finishes click Apply.


    I wasted a lot of time uninstalling and reinstalling stuff but the above steps are what actually fixed it for me.

  3. Yes. I realize that. That's the point though - what I would like to do is use OpusFSI cameras etc. but instead of using live weather I want to sometimes use Weather Architect with custom weather. If I use it by itself and don't have OpusFSI running, then I get the custom weather but lose the cameras, the TrackIR, and the effects. So the question is: is there a way to use both together?


    BTW: the OPpusFSI team says no.


    But maybe someone figures out a way to do it anyway...

  4. Hi!


    I use OpusFSI for real weather as well as the cameras. That works for me quite well. However, I am interested in flying some times with completely custom weather. So REX Weather Architect looks very attractive for this. But, if I decise to get it, I would like to get the weather from REX Weather Architect, while using the cameras and TrackIR integration from OpusFSI. So my question is: can the weather functionality of OpusFSI be temporarily deactivated such that I can use another weather engine without losing the rest of the OpusFSI functionality?


    Looked in several places and could not find a discussion on this subject.



  5. I've been using OpusFSX (not FSI) since P3D 2.0 came out. It works. The camera features work well. So does the dynamic head movement. The UI is a bit weird, but after you get used to it, it's fine.


    There are a couple of things to watch out for. Neither is critical if you know what to do.

    • You have to start OpusFSX only after you're in a flight situation (in the cockpit, not in the situation setup UI), or else you get a CTD in P3D. I don't know whether this has been fixed yet with OpusFSI+P3D 2.4
    • You really should not use "bump aircraft" (checkbox unselected) in the DHM options dialog (whatever it's called) See http://www.opussoftware.co.uk/opusfsi/Opusfsi_Server_DHM.jpg the "bump aircraft" checkbox should not be checked. if it's checked then your performance can suffer greatly and you can get severe pauses and unresponsive controls


    Other than that, I love it!

  6. The problem is not fixed in P3D 2.3


    Any way to create a work around of some kind? It's fairly annoying to start the SIM, setup the flight, get into the flight and then get out of the SIM start opus fsx and go back to the SIM, and then wait for the weather to come in...


    I mean, it works, but there's got to be a better way...

  7. Yes. It looks nice. But I would not recommend it.

    • The Carenado G1000 is quite partially implemented and shows quite a few odd behaviors
    • I've had problems with it picking up ILS (say, in Yakutat PAYA) where I could do it with no problems using other aircraft (e.g. A2A C172)
    • My FSX setup is quite reasonably tuned, but this aircraft behaves very badly for me when flying manually (OK on AP as long as you don't have problems with nav aids). I mean, After a missed approach at PAYA I went around, flying manually, on final it started behaving very oddly, and suddenly it started flying backwards!! The cockpit instruments did not show it, but the scenery was flowing past backwards. I swear it! I double checked that I was not on a helicopter  :lol: Never, ever saw any flight model like this on a fixed wing aircraft...


    I've nearly given up on this baby, as good as it looks. Waste of money. If you are really interested in learning the G1000, I'd say - go with the best one out there, which is (apparently) the Flight1 Super King Air B200. If you have to have it in a business jet (would be nice, no?) then maybe the Flight1 Cessna Mustang will fit the bill. I did not try that one. It is said to be quite good, although it appears to be a frame rate killer (as is the Carenado Phenom)

  8. My mistake. I did not uninstall the previous version before installing the latest one.


    After uninstalling and reinstalling, the trainer no longer crashes. I have not had the chance yet to actually go through the training and test FSX with the new version. When I get around to doing that I'll report any problems if there are any.


    It would be nice if future versions of the installer would warn you about an existing installation, or would automatically uninstall the existing version before proceeding.

  9. For me the flight plan trainer still doesn't work. I get a crash:



    I am experiencing a crash of the flight plan trainer. This happens when I click the general training button. See details below. Please advise.

    See the end of this message for details on invoking
    just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.SpeechLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
    File name: 'Interop.SpeechLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
       at VATrainer.Form1.Form1_Activated(Object sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmActivate(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
    To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
    Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
    To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].

    ************** Loaded Assemblies **************
        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL

        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version:

        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL

        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL

        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL

        Assembly Version:
        Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.18408 built by: FX451RTMGREL


    ************** JIT Debugging **************
    To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
    application or computer (machine.config) must have the
    jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.
    The application must also be compiled with debugging

    For example:

        <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />

    When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
    will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
    rather than be handled by this dialog box.


    Oh, and on top of that the contact form on the web site does not work ("processing error")

  10. Doesn't work for me. AutoTrim=False and still after takeoff the trim wheel goes crazy. After some time I can stabilize it, but the first 2-3 minutes after takeoff are almost uncontrollable. Constantlyh fighting and extreme tendency to pitch up. Depending on the aircraft, it may be impossible to control (i.e. in a Maule I can eventually stabilize it. In an F35 - forget it.)

  11. OK. Good news for you.


    Yesterday I upgraded my GPU from the ATI 5800 1GB I had there before to  EVGA nvidia 770 4GB. No other tweaks or changes made. No CPU overclocking (actually my BIOS prevents me from overclocking anyway).


    The results were nothing short of astounding. Both on FSX and on P3D.


    The max FPS I was able to squeeze out of this box before, with any aircraft was maybe 26. Never even sustained 30. Immediately after upgrading the GPU, my FPS shot up to the 60s. More importantly, difficult combinations of weather and scenery that used to drop my FPS to an unfliable 7-8 FPS are now running quite comfortably at about 20FPS, which is not fast but totally usable.


    So the prevailing wisdom that GPU upgrades don't do much is totally bunk. If you had an under-powered GPU before - specifically an ATI 5800 series, and you upgrade to a reasonably up to date nvidia GPU you get a huge boost in performance immediately. This is not to say that an upgrade from a 680 to a 770 would do the same. I wouldn't know. i am pretty sure that doubling my price to get 780ti would probably only marginally improve performance. But this particulat upgrade is just spectacular in FPS terms. The same (even better, actually) on P3D. Thre the performance improved even more than on FSX (which is to be expected, as they use the GPU better).


    Now all of that said, and it's still early for me with less than a day with the new GPU, some add-ons in some sceneries (e.g. Carenado C210 with ORBX NCA near SFO) started displaying some weird behavior after the upgrade, and I don't quite understand yet what's going on there. I get really severely delayed response to stick input. I try to back, and it takes a couple of seconds before it responds. I did notice that this odd behavior is location specific, as it does not happen with the same aircraft in, say ORBX PNW, and I don't quite see why this would be related at all to the GPU upgrade. I guess I will have to tinker with things before I find out...

  12. Ed,


    Why is that?  Is it because they have to redo all their optimizations or are there new things that P3D doesn't tolerate well that they were doing?  There is so much that needs to get caught up on the P3D aircraft side of things. 




    I am a developer too. Most addon aircraft, including most of the sophisticated, heavy systems simulations, still use the single process model. They will drop FPS while 3/4 of your CPU is not used at all (only one core used). Only a handful of developers offloaded much of the computation to a separate process, thereby reducing the load on the main sim, and better utilizing the CPU. Those achieved much higher frame rates and smooth simming even in a complex system modelling.


    This optimization can sometimes be hard to do if you have a large existing code base that was not designed from the ground up for parallel execution. For existing addons like the PMDG NGX this could be a very expensive piece of work that would be hard to get approved by management without incremental revenue associated with it. I can totally understand that.


    Having said that, I think that developers of complex sims like PMDG would do well to re-architect their base code to support one or two additional processes. At least for new releases. Some of us may be willing to shell out more money for a paid upgrade of some of the existing addons just to get the performance boost. It would be fair to fund these guys if they do the effort. Heck, many of us pay hundreds of dollars for upgraded GPUs, sometimes with only marginal improvement. Paying an extra $30-$100 for a high performance version of a 737NGX with all the features that it has today would not be a high price in my book.

  13. Ditto on the above.


    I am running a very similar system to what Alpha Four describes. Except that I still have the ATI 5800 1GB card on my system (a brand new GTX 770 4GB is literally sitting on my desk waiting to be installed this weekend). Another difference is that I did not overclock my CPU. I manage to run FSX quite well, but P3D is motly unusable (running 2.1 at the moment).


    P3D is (claimed to be) much better than FSX is using the GPU. So I am really hoping that the GTX 770 will make a big difference in P3D. Their official minimum GPU RAM is 2GB, and I must say that on my 1GB card it definitely shows. I am hoping that the new card will also make a difference on FSX. Maybe Alpha Four can tell us how much difference the GPU upgrade did for him.


    While everybody says that CPU is the number one issue on FSX, I am not 100% sure whether this is accurate. Most of the people who report what their GPU is indicate a far better GPU than an ATI 5800. It could very well be that just a GPU upgrade can make a significant improvement. I will let you know after I make my upgrade. FSX and P3D under-utilize the CPU quite badly. For the most part they can use barely more than one core. They make that core work very hard, but for most of us that means less than 25% CPU utilization and having one core maxed out. My main point here is that CPU overclocking will get you at most linear acceleration. So if you're running a CPU at 3GHz and overclocking it 4GHz, you will get at most a 30% boost in FPS. That is not taking into account memory access bottlenecks that will limit your improvement. If your GPU is maxed out (which is hard for me to tell on an ATI card) then upgrading the card to something like a GTX 770 could *potentially* deliver far more than a 30% FPS boost. If you compare the ATI 5800 benchmarks to the GTX 770 benchmarks you will see a huge difference. So even though FSX does not take full advantage of the GPU capability it still relies on it a lot (and even more so if you run DX10 experimental). So there is a chance that an upgrade from a 5800 to a GTX 770 will make a very noticeable difference, whereas the difference between a GTX770 and a GTX 780Ti will certainly be nothing more than a hole in your pocket.


    For P3D 2 (any of the versions) I would say that the GPU upgrade is an absolute must.


    I will come back to this topic after my own upgrade. Maybe Alpha Four can make another comment regarding the results from his GPU upgrade. I'd be very interested.

  14. They've been really silent on this. I am really comping at the bit to get this release. And as a resident of San Carlos, I am really waiting for this airport to come out (I think the last i heard was that it was coming out next month - Feb 2014).


    Any news on this would be great.

  15. I have P3D V2 and my GPU is also 1GB (AMD though). I don't run P3D very regularly yet, but I have been able to get acceptable frame rates even with external and internal shadows turned on. I do get stutters though, which i think are supposed to be at least partially addressed in the next patch. Some people reported that tinkering with the processor affinity mask can improve the stutters, but I have not tried it yet.


    If I have shadows turned off, I get frame rates very close or even higher than FSX, but for me one of the reasons to switch to P3D would be the internal shadows, which substantially improve immersion.


    I know this does not completely answer your questions. maybe others can give more...

  16. For me it doesn't work. I have both the Saitek throttle quadrant and the combat pedals. The axis assignment is just fine. What happens is that when I go in P3D into the axis calibration then when I select the throttle quadrant, I get the sliders for the pedals (left break, right break, and rudder). When I select the pedals, then I get no sliders. I tried and found that if I use the calibration sliders when I select the quadrant, then in fact it does control the pedals, and so it is not only the labeling.


    So in fact I cannot even go to the throttle quadrant calibration.

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