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Posts posted by silentsage

  1. Thanks to everyone.

    From tips in this thread I learned that you need to enable the nav aids in two places (main menu and bar at the top of the screen.

    Also, you need to use ATC.  Clearance to taxi gets you the taxi ribbon, and approved flight plam and approval to take off gets you the waypoint prompts.

    I really wish they would publish a user man ual.  How do they expect us to figure this out?

    Thanks again.

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  2. Actually, none of the Assistance Options/Navigation Aids work (i.e., taxi ribbon and routes and waypoints).

    I have them enabled, but I can't find any aircraft and flight plan where they work.  I get no on-screen prompts of any kind.

    I repaired MSFS, but no luck.

    Any suggestions to fix this will be greatly appreciated. 



  3. I'm impressed enough with P3D V5 that I thought I'd share this.

    My personal standard benchmark in P3D is to takeoff from London Heathrow in an airliner (e.g., QualityWings 787) and fly around London and southern England at 3,000 to 5,000 feet. I use ORBX True Earth Great Britain, and my experience is that this is one of the most stressful scenarios I can find in P3D.

    In P3D V4, with the sliders at moderate settings, I usually get something in the range of 15 - 23 FPS.

    In P3D V5, with all sliders set to max (i.e., full right), except "Autogen and scenery draw distance" which is set to very high (one step less than max), I get a rock solid 30 FPS when VSYNC is on and "Target frame rate" is set to unlimited.  The flight is very, very smooth (not even a hint of stutters).  If VSYNC is off I get 35 - 40 FPS.

    Also, I can fly the Just Flight Hawk at 200 feet and 400 knots all over TEGB and get the same performance.

    I find this remarkable.  I was concerned that the core 0 bottleneck wasn't fixed in V5, but I'm convinced now it doesn't matter. The performance LM has delivered in V5 is outstanding.  Many of us expected a revolutionary change in the rendering engine. My sense is that, for all practical purposes, LM has delivered this in terms of the overall performance they have achieved.

    I'm really happy about this.  I'll be using P3D V5 (or V6, etc.) as my main simulator for the indefinite future. 

    FYI, my hardware is:  9900K CPU at 5.1 GHx, nVidia 2080Ti, M2 SSDs for everything, and a 65" flat screen HD monitor at 3840 x 2160 and 30 Hz. 

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  4. The reason hyperthreading can cause stutters is this:

    Windows has an operating system feature called CPU parking.  When this feature is enabled, the OS will try to move threads between cores with the objective of minimizing the number of active cores in use at any time (i.e., it will try to pack the threads into the smallest number of cores running at 100%).  The unused cores and "parked". This is done to conserve battery life in laptops - the fewer the number of active cores, the less power is needed.

    The problem with this from a gaming standpoint is that it takes time to move threads between cores.  While the thread is being moved, it stops executing, and hence the stutters.  Disabling hyperthreading (either in the BIOS or with an affinity mask) eliminates the problem. 

    I learned this from a gaming site.  You can turn CPU parking off by doing the following:

    1. Disable CPU parking
      1. Go to Regedit
      2. Find this key:-  " 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 "      
      3. Within this key, there is a value called:  " ValueMax "
      4. This value represents the % number of cores the system will park - the default 100%  ie:  all Cores are potentially park-able
      5. Change the value from 64 to 0 so the " ValueMin "  and  " ValueMax " are both zero
      6. You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found - the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system
      7. Do a full shutdown and power-off and cold-re-start

    This info is a few years old, it is possible that this method is out of date (but you can try it.

    I stopped using it because it is easier to simply disable hyperthreading. 


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  5. Mauri2007 - 

    You're exactly right.  I'm disappointed it may not be fixed.  It is an absolute barrier to making good use of multi-core processors. 

    Like you, I've been aware of this since FSX was first released. There have been hundreds, possibly thousands, of threads about this on various forums over the years.  And countless suggestions for mitigating actions (i.e., playing with affinity masks and assigned add-on threads to other cores).

    The requirements for flight sims in this area are no different that in other games (e.g., first-person-shooter games and driving simulators).  The only thing unique to flight sims is the size of the field of view surrounding the eyepoint (possibly a few hundred miles at altitude).  It's the size of the FOV that makes the ability to efficiently use multiple cores to parse the FOV and feed the GPU directly so important.

    My guess is that some folks will continue to have stutters and pauses.  I hope the use of DX12 helps reduce these issues.     

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  6. Posted this on the Lockheed-Martin P3D forum, didnpt get a response.

    Does anyone know if V5 addresses the core 0 bottleneck? (That is, that core 0 always runs at 100%, and hence the single thread performance of the processor has a big impact on overall performance.)

    Lack of a response om the LM forum suggests the answer is no, which would be bad news. 

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  7. I flew 4 flights today with this mod and everything work fine.  Thanks Ramon!


    I have one question.  In addition to the GTN 750 I'm also using the Flight1 G650.  When you use the 650, you have three choices for how to control the autopilot:  (1) the 650; (2) the AP panel in the VC cockpit; and (3) the 2D pop-up panel.

    I've noticed that trying to use all three at any time causes issues.  The 650 is missing a few functions (e.g., APPR), so you need to use either the VC AP panel, or the 2D pop-up.  

    What is the right combination to use?

    Thanks in advance. 

  8. I understand that LINDA does not support keyboard commands.  The user manual indicates that this isn't necessary since FSUIPC supports keyboard commands. I've used these keyboard facilities in FSUIPC with great success.

    The thing I'm missing, and where I'd like help if possible, is how to identify the control codes needed for the keyboard in FSUIPC.  Can this information be obtained from the actions.lua file? Or by some other means using LINDA?

    The reason I ask is that i'm using a gaming keyboard (Razer Black Widow Chroma) for many of the common push button and rotary knobs in aircraft.  For each aircraft I assign various control actions to different keys, and use the keyboard backlighting to highlight them (sort of a poor mans cockpit).  In some cases the control codes are published by the aircraft developer, or others (e.g., FSUIPC comes with a complete set of PMDG control codes).  For others, the control codes aren't available, though there are LINDA modules available (QW 787). 

    Any help would be appreciated.  I'm using LINDA for my HOTAS joystick and throttle, and it's great!  I just don't have enough switches and buttons on them.  

  9. Wow, I'm really glad we have people like you who take it on themselves to police the forums and offer useless editorial comments.  Trolls like you really add a lot to these forums. Thanks!

  10. I don't want to start a flaming war here, so please take what I say in a constructive spirit.

    I've been a pilot for 41 years, and I know many captains who will hand fly the aircraft to reasonably high altitudes (maybe not TOC, but close), and from TOD (or thereabounts) to landing.  The older captains tend to do it so they have a feel for the aircraft if the automation fails.  The FAA claims that the younger population of captains rely too much on the automation, and encourages them to hand fly the aircraft enough to be able to handle it if the automation fails, or can't cope with a situation.  I'll let you read the FAA studies and some of the accident reports and let you draw your own conclusions.  They're encouraged to do this in the simulators before doing it in the aircraft.

    I think some folks in this thread (and I'm not criticising anyone, just making an observation) are missing the purpose of simulators in aviation.  They're used to let pilots practice whatever phase of flight they need to practice.  In the real world, simulators are used for segments of flights, not entire flights. Off-hand, I can't think of a time when I have seen anyone conduct a simulator flight in real-time from take-off to landing.  I'm not saying it isn't done, but simulator time is expensive, and flying at cruise on autopilot in the absence of aircraft failures is usually not something that needs to be practiced. 

    And if folks want to simulate a complete flight from beginning to end, that's fine, we all have our reasons for doing this.  In my case I find it enjoyable to practice IFR departures and landings.  I spent a long time learning and honing those skills. And it's nice to be able to practice them all over the world.  It's not a question of distance, but variety.  The PMDG aircraft are far and away the best available for P3D when it comes to fidelity of the aircraft systems, flight dynamics, and procedures for IFR.  That's why I asked the question of PMDG.

    My original post was directed to PMDG, and I'll circle back to that.  If it is possible, and economically feasible (from a business standpoint), to add a reposition feature, doing so would allow some of us to use the PMDG aircraft in a manner closer to the way simulators are used in the real world - that is, having a better opportunity to select the phases of flight to be practiced.  No doubt there are technical challenges in translating the aircraft state vector from one location  to another, while making appropriate adjustments for fuel and other consumables, environmental conditions, changes in system states, and other factors.  This is in the "nice to have" category, not an absolute requirement.

    This is my last post in this thread. So, everyone, please have fun with this hobby, no matter how you fly. Just understand that some of us have different objectives than you.   





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  11. The interesting parts of the flights are hand-flying the take-off and climb to cruise altitude, and hand flying from TOD to touchdown.  Sitting and watching clouds go by at 8x while the autopilot drives the airplane is unrealistic and just isn't interesting to me.  It's an optional feature, and no one is forced to use it.  I do find that it allows me to fly a lot more departures and approaches in the limited time I have for simming. 

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  12. Any chance PMDG might implement a "Reposition" feature similar to that in the Quality Wings 787?  The 747 and 777 are largely intended for long routes, and such a feature would avoid extended periods of time with the sim accelerated and waiting for TOD near the destination. 

  13. I'm looking for ideas regarding how to debug the thrust reverser key command in my PMDG 737, 747.  It worked fine for several months, then suddenly stopped working.

    The problem is that the aircraft ignore the F2 key press.  If I remap the F2 key to another function (e.g., external lights) the sim accepts the key press and manipulates the external lights.  I confirmed the engines are at idle before trying to activate the reversers. 

    I usually use FSUIPC.  I deleted it, but no effect. I did use the logging feature to confirm the F2 keypress is being sent to the sim. 

    I'm out of ideas for debugging this.  Any ideas or insights would be appreciated.


  14. To practice my takeoffs and landings I've created flight plans that circle an airport in a (big) standard traffic pattern. For example, a typical practice flight takes off from KDFW, flies straight for about ten miles, flies crosswind for several miles, then downwind far enough to enter a cross wind path that allows me to intercept an ILS and make an approach approach to the runway, and then land.  These are really big traffic patterns, but they've been useful to learn how to manually fly the aircraft and practices various instrument approaches. 

    Altitude in the pattern is 12,000 feet (on the downwind leg), and I've limited the speed in the crosswind and downwind legs in the FMC to 250 knots.  The autopilot, however, (if used) sets a speed of around 300-313 knots regardless of what is programmed in the FMC. 

    I'm curious if I'm making a mistake in setting up the FMC.  Or does the real aircraft behave this way?  

    Not a big deal, I'm just curious.  The only reason to use the autopilot is to save time on the crosswind and downwind legs by engaging the AP and them using time compression to get to the approach and then resume manual control. 

    Last question - does anyone know what the airlines use for type conversion and periodic flight checks? Could make for some interesting flying. 

  15. regis9 -

    The problems I have occur whether the sim is paused or not.  I can confirm that autosave using FSUIPC causes problems.  This is not unique to the PMDG aircraft.  Also, on my system at least, the problem is limited to the PMDG 737.  The PMDG 747 and 777 work fine using exactly the same procedure.  Another thing (for me at least) is that saved flights for the 737 on the ground work fine - the problem happens only in flight.

    The 737 is the oldest of the three products,  and I assume the bug is an artifact of the older code.   

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