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Posts posted by Skinner_11

  1. I found this at an older forum:

    Question: After installing Slovenia / Croatia my Flightsimulator refuses to start.
    What can be done? ATTTENTION!!! NEW AND FINAL SOLUTION!!!
    Answer: The solution we first suggested, to upgrade your Flight Simulator to
    version 9.1 (a patch that Microsoft has released early 2005) is only partly correct.
    It will work in most cases (and we suggest anyway to use this patch), but it does
    not solve the actual problem for certain Windows-configurations.
    The reason is, that the problem is caused by a missin entry in the section
    "description" of the AI-Ships "aircraft.cfg". The Flight Simulator is adding this
    missing entry in most cases automatically. But in some configurations, for
    unknown reasons, the program does not add this entry, causing the Flight
    Simulator not to start properly when Slovenia/Croatia is installed.
    In such case, please reinstall Slovenia/Croatia. Then Download the Zip-File
    Slo_Cro_Patch_02_Ships.zip HERE. Unpack the zip-archive and move the two
    folders "AI_Anek_Ferry" and "AI_Jadrolinija_Ferry" to the directory "aircraft"
    which can be found in your Flight Simulator's main directory. Overwrite existing
    directories and Files.
    And that's it. your Flight Simulator then will start normal, with Slovenia/Croatia
    installed, disregarding if you are using Microsoft's Patch to version 9.1 or not.
    However, we suggest you use this update anyway. In case you want to download
    the ENGLISH version of Microsoft's Update now, you can do that HERE...
    Please use the english version of the update only with english versions of the
    Flight Simulator...

    The patch is not available anymore i think.


    But the problem can be also fixed by deleting the "AI-Ships" folder in <your FS9 folder>/Aircraft.


    After that it will work, but you won't have the ships sailing around the coasts.

  2. If you are using Win7 take a look at the Processes tab, in the Windows Task Manager. 


    Sort the view by CPU, and Memory, and see if there's anything which slows down your machine.


    I had a problem with svchost.exe using 3/4(!) of my RAM. I looked it up, and it turned out to be a problem with Windows Update.


    So under the Services, i had to disable "wuauserv" and magically my PC could take a breath again.


    Also, at a max lock to 30. You'll never get anything stable over that at EGLL, or JFK. Even on a NASA server-PC. FS9 is poorly optimised for modern hardware and multi core CPUs.

  3. They are still using scenery design techniques, which requires them to compile files in different ways for FSX, P3D, P3DV3 to work...


    That's 3 sims to be compatible with, so they really don't want to make a fourth scenery for FS9.


    Also, last time they put their very old FS9 products (from 2006 era) on sale, which almost everyone already had, and complained that there were very few customers...


    I expect no more FS2004 products from them. It's sad, but instead of being angry at them, keep buying FS9 scenery from those devs who still care about the platform and bring us new releases... :)

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