Hi guys, so I'm encountering an issue with RC4 crashing as soon as any line other than any of the MCE crew is read. Such as whenever I request clearance or tune to the ATIS my X-Plane 10 will crash as soon as the ATIS or other is finished speaking. Both MCE and RC4 continue to run after the crash.
Though from what I have read in this thread I am assuming this is a problem with EFASS considering the mention of it so often, yet why does it cause a problem and can I no longer use it in conjunction with it?
Edit: Actually I'm not sure where the problem lies now, I shut down EFASS as well as used a flight plan generated from another planner(A plan I tested yesterday and worked fine) and restarted X-Plane 10 yet still crashed at the same interval. Everything worked fine up until today, the only thing I did differently today was start using EFASS again with X-Plane.