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  1. Orbx will only do AI traffic In Australia or PNW, depending on which you installed. It will clear all AI traffic in the rest of the world.
  2. DTXbmp had the same result. Installed the photoshop DDS addon by Nvidia into pant shop pro. Now had a save as DDS option. When saving Nvidia dialog box popped up. Used options flip vertical, save as DXT5, no mipmap, and it works!
  3. This is my first attempt at a repaint. I have a Cera UH-60L Blackhawk and they supply a paint kit with it. Each page of the paint kit is in photoshop psd format. There is no Australian Army repaint available for the Cera UH-60L so I decided to attempt my own. I painted the pink primer paint kit aircraft with Paint Shop Pro X7 while retaining the psd format. I then used DDS Converter 2 to convert from psd to dds. It was supposed to be relatively easy, but I ended up with the following surfaces. Any ideas what is going wrong, or more precisely, how do I correct it?
  4. Cloudflare claims its up when it down. https://www.cloudflare.com/network-map Seems they are getting a lot of DNS attacks.
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