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  1. Thanks Dave and Steve. I knew FSX takes a large system to run and I'm happy with the setting not turned up all the way, however I thought I might get better than 6fps. The thing that struck me the most was getting less than 20% GPU usage in FSX. As I said previously CoD Modern Warfare 3 using upwards of 60%, and Battlefield 4 uses very close to 100% of my GPU. Now I didn't buy my new GPU exlusively for FSX, I bought it for other games such as the ones I just mentioned and just assumed that it would make a difference with FSX. The new GPU made a huge difference to three of my games I have tried since installing it, but nothing to FSX. If I can get away with a few hundered dollars for a new processor then I will buy one, however if that won't make a noticable difference to FSX I may have to re-think it. As I said I didn't buy the new GPU for FSX so I didn't research problems with FSX and graphics cards. I will now, however read up from the suggestions you made and try to find a new processor that will improve my system as well as no costing me an arm and a leg. Cheers again guys Mark
  2. Thanks Andy. I really appreciate the response. I will have to do some research about systems I can buy within my price range. Thanks Mark Thanks Andy, I really appreciate the help. I will have to look at some new gear that is in my price range. Thanks again Mark Thanks Andy, I really appreciate the help. I will have to look at some new gear that is in my price range. Thanks again Mark
  3. Is that why my GPU won't use more than 20% of its capacity? I have read and implemented the advise in the Simforum guide, understanding it not 100%. So saying that my CPU is slowing my GPU down, would upgrading to an 8 core AMD FX 4.0GHz improve my performance noticably? Or would I just be wasting my money? In terms of processors, where does the 8 core AMD FX 4.0GHz rate? Thanks again for the help. I have being playing FlightSim for years now, but my computer building knowledge is basic and I'm still only learning. Thanks Mark
  4. Okay thanks I will have to read up. The reason I specified the AMD 4.0Ghz is because I have an AM3+ motherboard. The 4.0Ghz CPU, I think, is the fastest I can get without upgrading my motherboard, and I doubt the Intel CPU's will fit my motherboard. That particular CPU can be taken to 4.2GHz, so that might work for me. Thanks again for your help.
  5. Thanks Fi5kuS. I had read that a faster CPU is important but I just couldn't believe that upgrading to a modest graphics card from a poor one would make little to no difference in frame rates. As well as the fact that the GPU isn't being utilised like it is in other games on my PC. Do you think an 8-core AMD 4.0Ghz processor along with my GeForce GTX 750 Ti and 16 Gb of ram would increase my frames? I say this CPU as I won't have to replace my motherboard and its in my price range. Thanks Mark
  6. Hi Guys, I've recently installed a Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti and added 8Gb of ram to my system. I was running a Nvidia GeForce 210, and had roughly 6fps at Sydney with WoAI traffic turned up to 100%. (Pretty bad I know) So after installing my new graphics card and installing the software and extra ram, I was surprised to see that I was still only getting 6fps from the same situation. No increase in frames. I am currently running: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit AMD Phenom II x4 960T 3.0Ghz 16Gb RAM GeForce GTX 750 Ti I have done some research on the subject and haven't seem to find anyone who hasn't experienced a positive difference after upgrading graphics cards. I have followed this set of procedures: http://www.simforums.com/forums/drivers-nv-inspector-fsxcfg-complete-guide_topic36586.html And then set FSX to these settings: Combined, these did make a difference and bumped the frames up to about 10fps. But I can't help like feeling that I should be getting more. An interesting thing I found out when using Nvidia Inspector, was that my GPU load stayed constant between 15-20% (give or take). And when comparing that to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 which peeked at about 60%, you can see a vast difference in GPU load. Both Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 work fine on my new system, a visible difference between my old setup, But FSX lacks visibly in performance increase. Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have some advice for me? Or is that all the performance I can expect from my system? Thanks an advance Mark
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