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  1. Hello, I appreciate your allowing me to join the forum. I have been using FSX as a training and refresher tool for my Real World flying. Also, driving a B737-800 around on the old PC is a bunch cheaper and easier than in real life! As far as real world aircraft, I have been flying and training in a couple Diamond DA-20 & DA-40's with an occasional jont in a 172 . The nicest aircraft I've ever personally flown is a Cessna Citation Mustang. Truly and amazing aircraft with an Avionics package that make professional ATP's drool over! I enjoy aviation and have been using FSX for about a year after borrowing it from a friend. Flight sims never interested me until a tour of Lockheed Martin where I was able to shoot a few carrier approaches in their F-35 JSF Simulator. Really amazing! I was in the U.S. Army and was wounded in Iraq several years ago. I was an 11Bravo (Infantryman) and was about to go to Warrant Officer & flight school when I was wounded. I love Rotary aircraft, but as I am now an amputee, helicopters aren't a possibility and neither is a commercial aviation career. I don't much care for flying helo's on the sim as I'm a seat of the pants pilot and I feel too detached from the helicopters. So the sim is a descent way to get a very small taste of high performance jets. I'm starting to get more involved with FSX and interested in Upgrades. I purchased REX-4 and am about to buy the key for FSPassengers. I'm considering joining a Virtual Airline as well as getting the VRS SuperBug and TacPack. I'm interested in the PMDG 737-800 and the PMDG 747 but they are pretty pricey. If anyone has a favorite A380 they prefer let me know as well. I'm also in the market for a very realistic Scenery and Topo upgrade if anyone has some recommendations. Thank you! Regards, 11Bravo
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