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Everything posted by Pdg17

  1. DOWNSCC, fuel cutoffs are not assigned, it's a saitek x52pro with a ch yoke with flaps, speed brake, thrust reverse, like I said I've used this setup for over two years with no problem. The engine winds down as soon as the gen fault occurs goes down to zero then immediately powers back up to the required power setting. As per my last post its hopefully sorted. thanks paul gray
  2. May have sorted this:- restored original saved new c&d file closed fsx open fsx loaded a/c and flew from new c&d , just done a flight and no failure so hopefully the fault has gone. paul gray
  3. Hi again, I've now used all panel formats and restored from original but this problem does not go away. Other than a fresh install are there any files/parameters I could look at? Its not a huge problem as it's easily cancelled once its kicked in, just a nusciance factor. Thanks Paul Gray
  4. Thank you wsmeier, you are correct I do not see any names at the bottom of the posts which is the reason I put my name in the actual post. I will be trying this solution hopefully tonight and get back with the result. Cheers paul gray
  5. I didn't say it wasn't a valid suggestion I merely questioned how this would help to which you have given me the answer, I will try this when I get back to my flightsim. Paul Gray Ps I may have overlooked it but I don't see your name other than an I.D at the top of the post
  6. I don't follow you, how will changing panel states stop this fault? thanks Paul
  7. Hi, I keep getting this failure every flight even though i now have SBF's turned off, it happens at roughly the same point in every flight just after take off. Even after ive followed the procedure for disconnecting the drive and bringing the apu online the fault persists and the left engine winds down then powers back up, it doesnt go away till ive cleared the active faults in the main failure menu. Ive checked every thing in the menus to make sure nothing is set to on that has anything to do with electrical and there are no random based failures programmed. Even if i service the a/c before every flight it happens, Ive read the FCOM 6.20 electrical. Ive not done anything different in my startup routine since i got this a/c two years ago, everything looks normal to me swtch/panel wise but willing to accept that i may have done something Cheers Paul
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