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Everything posted by flyrod

  1. Glide slope warnings should never go off when you are 10 miles out and tune in the ILS! NEVER! When being vectored to the LOC , the constant warning is useless. You are always vectored to a point outside OM at an altitude below the GS but above the MVA. This way you are in a position to intercept while in a stable flight configuration. Once you intercept the GS or inside the final approach fix the warning should alert you of any deviations both above and below the GS. At that point, the pilot is concentrating on flying the AC and looking for the lights.
  2. Traffic warnings go off even when traffic is not afactor - even 10k feet above or below! Very annoying when trying to work with ATC. The glideslope warning starts as soon as you tune in the ILS before you ever intercept the GS. This has not always been a problem but I am not sure when it started. Makes a otherwise nice IFR aircraft unuseable!
  3. I would be happy if I could just get charts and plates to match the Garmin Db ....2012 I think.
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