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Posts posted by Liner45

  1. No problem Jeremy, if you haven't already, send me a PM with your email address and I can send to you.


    Well if you don't edit Gabriel, your default shots look great!  


    I can tell you when painters see their paints being enjoyed and flown all over the world, it does inspire them to keep contributing.  For a retired painter, I think I paint more than those who aren't  :LMAO: .  Its just a skill I picked up years ago, became adept at it, and its pretty relaxing when you're not under any deadlines and just painting what you want.


    Let's play "What's Steve painting now?" (well...already painted as she was easy)  I usually have a few in the paintshop that I get interested in when I'm waiting for something on other paints, like UPS and BA.777TPA1.jpgFirst one who guesses correctly gets to fly her with my check airman before anyone else.  :wink:  It's a good time to be a Freight Dog!

    TAMPA cargo(avianca).

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