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Posts posted by wimbutte

  1. SOLVED ( with a funny twist)

    I finally have the road traffic back! The way I solved it was by doing this:

    1) copy my old Prepar3d.cfg and then delete the original .cfg and

    2) let P3D generate a new cgf. 

    3) delete and replace all old XMLfiles with newly generated XML's such as LWcfg.xml but basically every xml file I could find that still had an old date

    4) Copy essential stuff from my old cfg back to the newly generated cfg such as Graphics, Displays and Main ( important for my monitor polus 3 projector screens)

    5. Immediately after the first start up with this new composed cfg, replace the standard F35 with my Prosim737, construct a scenario at my gate at EHAM and put road traffic slider to the right on freeways only. 

    tada road traffic everywhere. One very strange thing: if I put autogen vegetation to zero , the road traffic disappears.. When I put it on sparse it's baxck again. I have really no idea what vegetation autogen has to do with road traffic but it works..




    Found out today that it is not particularly FlyTampa EHAM that triggers yes or no road traffic around other locations. I uninstalled and then installed again various airports. This triggers the appearance or disappearance of road traffic around other locations. Same thing for just relocating to another airport and then come back to the previous location that had road traffic around before. When you come back to it,  the road traffic has disappeared...

    What would be it that triggers the yes or no spawning of driving road traffic when (un)installing an airpoort scenery or changing location and come back again???

  3. First of all, yes my original post was about no road traffic at all, but the problem seems to be more complex. There are several things that seem to influence the spawning of driving road traffic:
    - the choice between highways only or all roads  ( all roads> no road traffic around KSFO or KLAX for instance but yes when Freeway road traffic only is selected.
    - the exclusion of road traffic by third party airports like FlyTampa EHAM  (installing or uninstalling has effect on road traffic in different airports like LOWI which is really strange. For example: First go to LOWI . Yes there is road traffic!  Then switch location to EHAM. (FlyTampa) road traffic only on airport roads. Uninstall FlyTampa EHAM. Go back to LOWI: no road traffic anymore....  But also the other way around. So first no FlyTampa EHAM > no road traffic in LOWI. Then install Flytampa EHAM > Road Traffic in LOWI again.

    - I also tried this: No traffic in LOWI while simulator was on daytime but not on today's date. Then switch to Winter and system time  and date > tada road traffic again... I know it's crazy..

    So something is triggering the road traffic to appear or let it disappear or sometimes freeze.
    I realize this is a crazy story but this is the way it is.. I'm now at the point where I want to refert back to P3D 5.2 or perform a complete new and clean installation of 5.3 which is going to be a big pain the $^%ss.

    As I seem to be the only one with this issue I don't think it is reasonable to keep asking for your attention guys, so I am going to end this thread but I will wait for a few days if a miracle would still happen and somebody has the golden answer.. 

    Thanks guys!

  4. OK, here is an update again.. I copied my P3D cfg. renamed and saved it. Deleted the cfg. , restarted PC and restarted Prepar3d with a newly generated cfg. NO driving road traffic still…

    I’m now almost at the point to go nuclear and perform a complete new and clean installation which in my situation is going to be a big pain in the #%ss..

    I still have a bit of hope that somebody may point me in the right direction. Rob Pol mentioned this file LWcfg.xml in ... User \ name \ Appdata \ Roaming \Lockheed Martin \Prepar3D v5.

    I copied this file from a friend of mine ( identical size and could not see any differences ) but Prepar3d then refuses to start up with an error message that the LWcfg.xml file is not the correct file. Apparently there is some secret code in that xml that belongs to an unique P3D installation..

    Anyway, my question is if somebody knows which part of the Prepar3d installation is responsible for this xml file. Is it client, content or scenery ?

    Any other ideas before I give up ?




  5. Hi Rob, I just checked that file. It has the same size as yours ( 53.175 KB)

    I hope that there would be somebody who can tell me what is responsible for spawning and the movement of road traffic in Prepar3d 5.3

    The thing is that I have never had such a beautiful and smooth flying experience now with 5.3HF2. I would hate to go ' nuclear' having to reinstall everything just because of the road traffic issue

  6. UPDATE: Still no road traffic...

    - I checked the LWcfg.xml file in  ... User \ name \ Appdata \ Roaming \Lockheed Martin \ Prepar3D v5. This file seems to be in order. I compared the file with the same file of a friend and it is identical.

    - I uninstalled ORBX Vector for P3d5 ( again ) to exclude the possibility that this is the cause of the problem. However still no traffic.

    When I say ' no traffic ' I really mean no ' driving ' traffic as cars are ' frozen ' on the road.

    - Re-installed (repaired) P3D client, content & scenery 

    - I checked the P3D scenery library. There is a scenery called ' Global Generic & Vehicle Libraries which had a pretty low priority and moved it up as high as possible. Does anyone kno where exacly this scenery folder should be in the library?

    Hopefully somebody still has an idea why I do not see any driving road traffic.






  7. Thanks Rob! The thing is that I really do not want to reinstall P3D or even just the Scenery and/or content folders, as I have never had such a smooth flying experioence as with the present set-up EXCEPT for the road traffic which I really miss. Sorry to hear that you had to switch it off due to stutters.

    Anyway do you -or anyone else- have an idea which files or folders are responsible for road traffic? Perhaps I can just replace those files somehow..

    I forgot to mention one important thing I realize just now and that is that there are cars on the road but they are ' frozen '. So what is it in P3D that makes car move??



  8. OK, here is an update..

    First of all I checked the P3D scenery library. The FTX_VECTOR_CVX folder was already installed there, together with FTX_VECTOR_OBJ . Both just above Africa. Just Below Africa was the FTX_VECTOR_EXX file. So Africa is in between the VECTOR folders.. Rob's idea was to install FTX_VECTOR_CVX in the P3D scenery library but it was already there.. 

    @ Rob, did you mean that ONLY the _CVX folder should be installed there and NOT the _OBJ and _EXX folders??? In that case I could still try that..

    So then I uninstalled Global Vector for P3d5 al together as was recommended by Coastaldriver. That did not help either...

    Then I reinstalled Vector, but in a different ORBX library outside P3D ( it was in P3D before ). The FTX folders ended up in exactly the same place as before. Except this time they were greyed out in the scenery library. Still no traffic..

    I checked various airports. The funny thing was that only once I suddenly saw road traffic driving on the roads near LOWI . So I thought for a minute the problem was solved, but when I changed location and came back again no traffic anymore.. Also no traffic on other locations ( 3d party and default airports )

    I am beginning to think I will have to reinstall P3D or at least the SCENERY and CONTENT folders as there maybe some corrupted files.

    Curious to hear your reactions again



  9. Thanks Rob, I have already configured the traffic on highways/roads in ORBX Global Vector and I have also set the desired traffic level in P3D options as I mentioned in my post. I will look at installing the FTX_VECTOR_CVX folder in the P3D Scenery Library. I should mention though that in the meantime I have received a reply from Nick Cooper of ORBX ( I had opened a support ticket with them ) that Vector has nothing to do with road traffic in P3D ( except configuring which roads to show traffic )….


  10. After updating from P3D5.2 to 5.3(incl. HF2) I have no road traffic anywhere. Neither on highways, nor on other roads. I tested area's around 3rd party airports and around default airports. No difference. Amongst others I have ORBX Vector for P3Dv5 installed.

    I updated from P3D5.2 to 5.3 latest version ( by first uninstalling 5.2 client, content and scenery and then installed the same for 5.3. (I did not uninstall academic client)

    This is what I have done so far:

    -"rebuild road taffic" by putting slider in P3D all the way down and then raise it again tot 50% and then back to 20%

    -Toggled only highway traffic and all roads

    - verified all ORBX Global files and resynced ORBX with the sim

    -checked generic.bgl and vehicles_land.bgl in LM>P3D>Scenery>Global>Scenery. Files were not on OFF and showed recent date (FEB22)

    I have no ideas anymore. Hopefully someone has!





  11. I updated FFTF to the P3D 5.2 version. However, I do run into some issues. First of all, when you want to update the program says that you have to uninstall the previous version. However there is no way I could uninstall it the normal way. So I deleted the entire folder. Then I installed the new version, which opened up normally but FPS and FFTF jump up and down like crazy. When I close FFTF, FPS remains steady but way too low, which is way I need FFTF. P3d settings are: limited to 30 FPS , no Vsync and no TB. 

    Any idea guys?





  12. Hi Pete, I’m the Dutch guy you met at Cosford Flighsim show at Prosim stand.. ( remember the selfie haha ) May I ask you why you have decided not to go for your original plan to use 1 card per projector  but rather use them in SLI? In theory I would say that 1 card per projector sounds really good as you will have 100 % dedicated usage of each card for each projector as if you would have 3 PC’s with such a card for each projector...

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