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Posts posted by virago83

  1. I am reviving this old thread because I just experienced the same problem with my new G-44 purchase and wanted people to know that the problem still exists.

    I purchased my copy of G-44 through the PC Aviator website two nights ago and was exited to install my new payware G-44. When I tried to load it in FSX-SE, I immediately experienced a CTD. After much cursing and hair pulling, I eventually came across this thread.

    I located my panel.cfg file and confirmed that the duplicate entry in the VC section still exists. I believe my download is V1.1

    Should Flysimware not have made correction by this time, or is the PC Aviator website still hosting an older version?

  2. On 11/25/2018 at 12:10 PM, Bert Pieke said:

    I quite like the Lionheart Kodiak.. no need for another version IMHO..

    I too, have the LHC Kodiak and love it! Based on my experiences so far, there is nothing that Carenado could do in way of creating their own Kodiak payware that would ever convince me to purchase their version. LionHeart's is just that good and Carenado's stuff? Well it does look good parked on a ramp for screenshots.

  3. Good day every one! I recently attempted to send a PM to Bill, asking if he could forward me a copy of his C340 mod but for u/k reason, the system kicked back a " whamil77 cannot receive messages" alert. Bit late in the game here but does anyone have a spare copy of Bill's C340 mod pack which you could forward to me via email, Dropbox or whatever? Thank you in advance for any assistance in this matter.





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