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Posts posted by FlyingEngineer

  1. Hi,

    I am from Germany and would like to use the new regional voice set "German" (native language support). However, I am wondering if this works, because I have set my Windows 10 to English-US in order to use Voice Control on my other FS2Crew Products (PMDG 737 NGX REBOOT, PMDG 777, MJC Dash 8). As far as I know, changing the language (Speech Recognition) to English-US is required in order to use Voice Control on these products.

    Therefore, what I want to ask you is this: Is it possible to have Windows set to English-US and still to use native language support (German spoken in German) or do I have to set it to German in order to speak German with the ground crew?



  2. Great shots! 

    Which sky textures are you using? Are they available here on the AVSIM Library? And how did you get Reshade working for FS9? My problem is that FS9 does not start anymore when Reshade (DirectX9 Mode) is installed.

    I am using Windows 10 Pro 64 bit (latest DirectX End-User Runtime is installed).


  3. Hi,

    I am searching for a good 737 Classic or similar aircraft addon. Is there any 737-300/400/500 Addon available? (As far as I know the QW 737CL has been canceled and the Wilco 737 PIC has not been updated to P3D v4). If not, is there any study level aircraft addon which is similar to the 737CL concerning the cockpit (Early glass cockpit, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS) with traditional mechanical gauges)?


  4. Although I set the target frame rate to 29 Fps, I still have issues with delayed autogen loading. Ground textures are sharp now, but after takeoff or during the approach I can see the autogen just popping up in front of me. Is there anything I can do to improve that. I already tried setting the Fiber_frame_time_fraction to higher values (e.g. 0,66; 0,99), but still the same problem.


  5. Thanks a lot for informing me about the other topic Ground textures gets more blurry the further I fly . I was able to fix the issue by setting the framerate to 29fps (it was set to unlimited before). However, I also noticed a loss of fps.

    Scenario 1: QW 787 @ AS EDDF V2 Pro

    a) FPS limited: 19-21 FPS

    b) FPS unlimited: 26-28 FPS

    Scenario 2: PMDG 737 NGX @ C7 EDDN

    a) FPS limited: 23-24 FPS

    b) FPS unlimited: 28-29 FPS

  6. Hi everyone,

    I am using Prepar3D v4.3 and have several problems including blurry textures, delayed autogen loading and black (airport & autogen) textures. I was able to reduce the appearance of black textures by changing TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=160 and TEXTURE_SIZE_EXP=9. Unfortunately, it did not fix my other two issues. I changed almost all P3D settings (e.g. autogen radius, autogen density, terrain lod radius, etc.), but I was not able to fix it.

    My system: Intel Core i7 6700k @ 4,2 GHz, 16GB DDR4 RAM @ 2666 MHz, Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 Ti, SSD 500GB

  7. Hi,

    I currently have a 16:10 widescreen monitor with a resolution of 1680:1050 and I am experiencing a lot of aliasing, e.g "jaggies" although having Anti-aliasing set to 4xMSAA or 8xMSAA in Prepar3D and in nvidia inspector to 4x sparse grid super sampling and "Enhance application settings". Particulary during night, all 3d night lights in greater distance are flickering.

    I am wondering if an upgrade to a higher resolution monitor (2k or 4k) could solve the problem due to a higher pixel density.

    Does anyone who upgraded to 4k or 2k experienced any improvements?


  8. Hi,


    I have a geforce gtx 770 with 2gb vram and I'm using P3D v3.3.5. On every flight I have a high VAS usage (during takeoff approximately 3,1 gb are used, until landing VAS grows up to 3,8gb). While monitoring the temperatures of my procesor and graphics card I noticed that almost every mb of my graphic cards memory (vram) is used. The card has 2048mb and during the takeoff already 2006mb were used.

    Could it be possible that P3D (Windows) swaps the additional required vram memory to the main memory (VAS)?

    So would an upgrade to a 980Ti (6gb) or 1070 (8gb) reduce my VAS?


    Thanks in advance

  9. When I restart Prepar3D and load the two Addon Airports all the lights illuminate the ground correctly. So I did the same flight yesterday again and everything worked like a charm. The only thing I changed was that I set the time to night, loaded the flight and then set the time (with the time preview windows in P3D) to the time I wanted. Might be P3D issue?

  10. Hi,


    I bought the 777 for P3d and noticed during a flight that all exterior Lights do not illuminate the ground beeing in the virtual cockpit. When changing to the exterior view all the lights do illuminate the ground. When I switch back to the virtual cockpit the landing and taxi lights disappear after a few seconds.


    I'm using Prepar3d v3.3.5 and Windows 10 Pro x64. I loaded the 777 as it is described in the manual. Does anybody have the same issue. Is there a fix?


    I hope someone can help me

    Lukas Christl

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