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About FlyingEngineer

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    Flight Simulation, Real World Aviation, Material Science, Engineering, Programming

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  • About Me
    I am an enthusiastic flight simulator pilot from Germany with strong interests in aeronautics, materials science, engineering and programming. As I was just starting to learn English when I began virtual flying as a child, please excuse the poor English of my earlier posts (2015-2018) 🙂

About Me

  • About Me
    I am an enthusiastic flight simulator pilot from Germany with strong interests in aeronautics, materials science, engineering and programming. As I was just starting to learn English when I began virtual flying as a child, please excuse the poor English of my earlier posts (2015-2018) 🙂

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  1. Hi, I have a geforce gtx 770 with 2gb vram and I'm using P3D v3.3.5. On every flight I have a high VAS usage (during takeoff approximately 3,1 gb are used, until landing VAS grows up to 3,8gb). While monitoring the temperatures of my procesor and graphics card I noticed that almost every mb of my graphic cards memory (vram) is used. The card has 2048mb and during the takeoff already 2006mb were used. Could it be possible that P3D (Windows) swaps the additional required vram memory to the main memory (VAS)? So would an upgrade to a 980Ti (6gb) or 1070 (8gb) reduce my VAS? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi Dan, I installed Prepar3D v3.3.5 on my fresh Windows 10 system. I had no other version installed before. Happily, I haven't had the problem again so far. I'll do some other flights with the 777 and report the results.
  3. When I restart Prepar3D and load the two Addon Airports all the lights illuminate the ground correctly. So I did the same flight yesterday again and everything worked like a charm. The only thing I changed was that I set the time to night, loaded the flight and then set the time (with the time preview windows in P3D) to the time I wanted. Might be P3D issue?
  4. I monitor VAS with the projectFly Pilot Tool (VAS Monitor). I set the level of detail radius to low, both autogen buildings and trees to normal. That helped me to complete a flight.
  5. Time was set to dusk and season was set to summer. I started the flight at Taxi2gate EDDM and the destination airport was Aerosoft Mega Airport Frankfurt V2 (both fully updated). When I landed VAS was about 3500 MB. Might it be possible that P3D disables some features to save VAS?
  6. Hi, I bought the 777 for P3d and noticed during a flight that all exterior Lights do not illuminate the ground beeing in the virtual cockpit. When changing to the exterior view all the lights do illuminate the ground. When I switch back to the virtual cockpit the landing and taxi lights disappear after a few seconds. I'm using Prepar3d v3.3.5 and Windows 10 Pro x64. I loaded the 777 as it is described in the manual. Does anybody have the same issue. Is there a fix? I hope someone can help me Lukas Christl
  7. Thanks for your quick answer. I will try it with Ezdok
  8. Hi, I installed the Dash 8 on my new P3D Setup. I noticed that the Wing Views of the Aircraft come with the whole cabin. Is there any way to remove the cabin in order to see only the Wing/Engine without the cabin windows? I have installed the latest patch. Thanks in advance
  9. Ground Textures are set to 1m on my system. When using REX Textures I always set them only to 512. I also get my OOM's when changing the view. On my system Prepar3D does not clear RAM anymore when more Addons are installed. I always take off with VAS of 3100MB. The Problem is that P3D does not clear it during the flight. It stays stable with 3100MB. When reaching another addon airport it needs additional 400-500MB. Thus, the best solution would be in my opinion that VAS is cleared during the flight on a higher altitude.
  10. First of all, thahk you all for your help. I was really desperated due to the high VAS usage. I loaded the default P3D Vehicle (Jet) and Mega Airport Frankfurt V2. ORBX FTX Global and OpenLC were activated. Default Cloud and Sky Textures were used. Lod Radius set to low, all traffic was set to 0%. At the beginning I had a VAS of 1860MB, after a few minutes it went up to 2100MB. After taking of and waiting about 20 minutes VAS stayed stable (2050MB). Is it normal that P3D does only clean up 50MB when leaving the Airport. Why does VAS does not decrease to the initial value (1850MB)?
  11. I will try it without Vector. I actually have only installed the above mentioned airports at the moment. I did not tweak the cfg file and road traffic is also set to off since users reported higher VAS usage with it. I set the Lod Radius to LOW and reduced the Autogen Sliders to DENSE. I'm going to do a test flight and report the result.
  12. Thank you for your quick reply. I didn't try the same situation with version 3.2. Is it neccessary to reinstall whole P3D or is it sufficient to reinstall only the Client?
  13. Hi, I did several flights and was not able to manage it to complete one without an Out of Memory. I'm using Windows 10 and P3D v3.3.5. Installed Addons: --------------------- ORBX FTX Global ORBX OpenLC EU ORBX Vector (only highways and golf parks are activated) REX 4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds Aerosoft Airbus A320/321 FS2Crew for the Airbus AS Mega Airport Frankfurt v2 / FlyTampa Vienna X \ AS Heathrow Extended FSUIPC, SimConnect ActiveSky Next SP5 PRO ATC/X When I load the Airbus and choose Frankfurt VAS is about 2650 MB. While performing all checklists and preparing the aircraft for takeoff VAS goes up to 3100 MB. After taking off it continues to increase up to 3300MB. When reaching the cruise altitude (34000ft) it stays with 3250MB. P3D does not clear the VAS. While approaching I'm reaching the limit of 4GB VAS and the error message appears. I also did other flights with the same result. How do you manage it to finish a flight without a OOM. Thanks in advance
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