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About jay281

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  1. @MrBitstFlyerwhat numbers are you using for each filter adjustment please? Trying to dial it in on my PC but having little luck. Thank you.
  2. I think G-Sync kicks in at 30 - 100hz dependent of your monitor, upper hz ranges are normally sorted with v-sync. I have the Preditor X34a and its good, however below 30fps the stutters will appear. Ive just yolo'ed it and upgraded my 980ti with a Titan XP. Will report what happends! Regards James
  3. I do have one, but the effective range is between 30 - 120 fps i think? Good for in the cruise and well optimised airports. Regards James
  4. Hi Carsten, G-Sync is good aslong as you maintain 30+FPS, below that and it wont work im affraid, the stutters will come back. Regards James
  5. Hi Rick, I run my Vpilot Client remotely from a laptop, ill keep an eye out the to see if the traffic proxy is pushing the CPU. Kind Regards James
  6. Thanks for your help, Darren - Sorry,what do you mean by road options? Kind regards James
  7. Hi All, After a bit of advice, has anyone ever experienced stuttering with UT2? When I turn UT2 off the stuttering goes. I'm using it for traffic on VATSIM and only have it set to display 20 aircraft in a 40nm radius. I've had zero problems in the past with other AI programms. Regards James
  8. Hi Vic, Thanks for the pointer, the green bar does raise up and down but it stutters to much for my liking compared to a single card config. I figured out one card was running cooler than the other, hence the MHz difference. (One was Watercooler the other not). Looking forward to the 1080ti now........ Regards James
  9. Hello all, I have been looking over old threads including Rob A's to find out how to set up SLI in P3D V3.3. I have got as far as enabling it in NCP. However when i run P3D my SLI config goes out of Sync eg; 1 GPU on 1355mhz core and the other 1507mhz, this results in stutters. I have been looking for solutions but im running out of places to look. Any help would be really appreciated. Do I have to use NVI to set a certain profile? Driver: 368.22 Vsync on, TB on, unlimited frames, 30hz. Kind Regards James
  10. Hi, I was looking at the 6900k for 8 cores. The rational is more room to off load OBS, ASN etc, and give more cores to P3D rendering. Looking at Rob As videos P3D is multi-core aware thus helping with smoothness and sharpness of terrain. I'm running 4K locked at 30hz so I'm hoping a little more grunt will keep me above that magic number. Regards James
  11. Hi all, Thanks again for all your advice and views. Ive opted for a 1080. However as a twist ive decided to sell my system and build a X99 Broadwell E based one. Lets see how it goes. Regards James
  12. John, et al' Thanks for your help on this matter, looks like im leaning to stump for another 980ti. Most of the 4k tests i see with 980ti SLI are 20% better than a single 1080. I understand the pros and cons of SLI now, however in the next month or so i think the 980ti will drop in price as board partners bring out their 1080s. Its about the bang for buck! Kind Regards James
  13. Hi Poppet, Thank you for all your hard work, and everyone who contributes here on Avsim. A question tho, im just about to install 3.3, is everything working ok for you? Eg uk2000 airports? Im doing a clean windows 10 etc install too. Regards James
  14. Hi, Just about to install 3.3, is this problem isolated to legacy installers (migration tool used) or airports that have been updated to native installers. Just worried about my UK2000 airports that include a installer for P3D. Kind Regards James
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