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About busdriver

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    Airbus A330 Captain for a major US based airline.

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  1. Is there a work around of some sort, so as to not need a visor or hat? I also don't fly the sim with a headset, but may in time, as I learn more about VATSIM or some other form of ATC. Thanks, Busdriver
  2. How do you easily switch views with EzDok? Do you use the keyboard?
  3. Folks, I've noticed in a lot of videos how easy it seems for users to quickly move around the virtual cockpit in the PMDG, Aerosoft, etc add-ons. What software/hardware should I consider to add this level of realism to my sim? I've see Track-IR, but prefer not to have to wear a hat or visor when simming. Thanks in advance for any guidance. Busdriver
  4. If I'm working next time your in Philly, and your on my airline, I'll get you on the aircraft early if i can for a tour.
  5. Let me know the next time your flying, if I'm around, I'd be glad to grab coffee with you, and show off FiFi to you...
  6. That is incredible! I'd love to have a setup like that in my home!
  7. Come on P3D version!! Guess I'll have to settle for the real thing the next 4 days, but loving what I see so far, and eager to see how she compares to the real bird.
  8. Ok, I fiddled around with things, and other than the F-22, every other aircraft, including the PMDG NGX track fine. I'm happy, as I'm not a fan of the F-35 anyway!
  9. Thank you, I can't for the life of me figure it out. Oddly, none of the F keys work. F4 for example won't provide full throttle. I have to use the num pad - 9 to increase throttle. Oh. and if I disable the joystick in P3D, it wont work in FSUIPC. :(
  10. Thanks folks, I'll double check things, bu no controllers on the PC. Just a wireless mouse and keyboard. Is disabling a joystick in P3d as simple as just unchecking the controller box?
  11. Folks, I have a clean install of P3D, and having a heck of a time trying to figure out the following issue - Regardless of flying either with the keyboard or with a joystick, all of the aircraft, prop or jet that come with the default install pull to the right on take-off. I have tried everything I can think of, with no success. A Google search showed a few others with this issue, last year, but I was not able to find a solution. I have tried turning on/off auto rudder, re-calibrate, etc, with no success. Any ideas on what the heck is going on? My sim: i6700K @ 4.8ghz 16 Gb Ram SSD for OS SSD for P3D 1070GTX Add-ons are as follows: FTX Global Orbx PNW, Alaska, NOCAL, SOCAL, Rockies. FSUIPC I'm grateful for any assistance. Cheers, Bill
  12. Folks, Doing a fresh install of P3d 3.3.5 and upon trying to install, my McAfee AV software stops the install due to a trojan being detected. The trojan is identified as - rtemis!629A43F02E11 Any idea whats up? False positive? Thanks, Bill Doing a fresh install of P3d 3.3.5 and upon trying to install, my McAfee AV software stops the install due to a trojan bei
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