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Richard Sennett

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About Richard Sennett

  • Birthday 01/27/1962

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  • Location
    South of Boston, Mass

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  1. Very serious people when it comes to Chinese New Year - They shut the entire country down
  2. 100 percent - its not ready for prime time and it wont be until at least SU 2 from Asobo and thats many months away
  3. Yah because its broken same here waste of time
  4. Absolutely amazing aircraft - day one purchase take me few years to learn it lol
  5. Ah not good you will figure it out - maybe is it possible to go back to previous software version to rule that out ?
  6. Yikes I havent had time to use the unit - day job stuff - good luck with fixing this issue
  7. Looks awesome wont matter what it costs to me anyway
  8. I hate that twitch bs - I cant post if they will fix the environment especially in cockpit over blown washed out look all times of day except night 😞
  9. It doesnt have visible tug as far as I know - has it been updated recently ?
  10. Theres no tug in free version or Aerosoft's rip off version - its invisible
  11. No that's not normal - entire sim here loads sometimes 2.5 mins to 3.5 mins max on a bad day Loading to a runway for me takes around 45 seconds max But I have 1.2gb internet service - may depends on your internet service - 4+ to load on runway is crazy - I would not be happy about that
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