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Posts posted by Tornadius78

  1. 2 hours ago, kaosfere said:

    I can assure you that the dev team are aware of the issues in the default planes, especially the premium ones, and they haven't been abandoned.

    Is there anything more that you could say that can reassure people about it ?Some more information from a person directly\indirectly involved in the project ? Pubblic official comunications channels forget certain aspects sometimes,apart from proclamation of success and stratospheric (undeniable) world updates that certainly costantly improve vfr flights. 

    I'm referring in particular to premium airliners (787) and everything that revolves around the ifr flights.

  2. 36 minutes ago, ADamiani said:

    But let's not forget that the "fix" is already there: it is called SU4.

    For me, since after world update 3 ( not that it was perfect but a gradual "work in progress" between graphics and physics and functionality) ,reverse to previous updates was never considered (and I've never seen any ), only hotfixes that led to other hotfixes that lead to crash\bugs\other hotfixes ........ not always to improve the software.

    Even now the graphics, these fantastic photorealistic scenarios and the performances are discussed almost everywhere (crashes I can understand and are important), but almost never flight models or system bugs, especially for airliners (the only steps forward in this regard I have seen are from community project and similar stuff as if asobo disinterested in certain aspects).  I have never seen a game that contained "simulator" in the name and made graphics the fundamental point, not even stuff like farming simulator or similar. (which are more truthful towards their name than fs2020,at the time we speak)

    I do not attribute "blame" to xbox versions or other nonsense, but neither I am I blind to certain practices that I have seen for a long time now.I think there is a decent middle ground between ignoring certain aspects and deliberately not looking at them. I am well aware that "simulators" of the past took time to mature, but we are in 2021 and not in 1998 and we should update our standards based on this too.

  3. 13 minutes ago, ADamiani said:

    To me, eye candy was the main reason to love it, because I was a bit tired of the washed out appearance of X-Plane. MSFS was really great at that.

    Now I am back to Aerowinx PSX, no scenery, but I am rediscovering a great simulator, best flightmodel around, perfect cockpit and accurate simulation of systems.

    I really hope to have good reasons to reinstall MSFS one day: the potential is enormous and I would really like to use it as visual generator for PSX and to fligh low and slow on my steam gauges cessna 172.


    Everyone has their priorities, hope they will fix these "problems" soon, I think others will arise,  that it is a "project that involves 10 years of development" so up to the 9th year it will not be possible oppose objections i guess  .....

  4. 2 hours ago, ADamiani said:

    In my opinion MSFS is not worth reinstalling or buying now due to the washed out visuals and repeated ctd's.

    We will see what happens with the promised hotfix and then the stability update with WU6.

    I just want to underline that they already have the solution to this mess: rolling back to SU4. If they don't, they probably have some very good reason (and I think that debating those reasons here serves no purpose). I really hope they know perfectly well what they are doing, because SU4 was absolutely cool. Two weeks ago I had a tourist flight over Rome with some 40 people and a youtuber from Scotland called twotonemurphy. We had a lot of fun, and it looked totally immersive, one of those experiences you remember after years.


    Everyone is so focused on the latest patch and on what is best to do and not do (wait ? unistall? reinstall ? ) , so many expectations (often not met), that sometimes is almost forget what ones  already have available beyond the fancy graphics,i'm a ghost from the past who tried to update\"upgrade"  and was disappointed, despite the good will and patience (1 year), I realized that sometimes ... waiting for the future, we forget what the past already offers us . Fs2020 it's not just "graphics" or at least it shouldn't be just that. 

    First post from 2014 , quite an "achievement" 

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