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Posts posted by hawkeye2816

  1. Just as the title says.  The altitude/VS gauge and ADF gauge next to it are completely blank.  No display.  They seem functional, meaning I can still set a vertical speed (and presumably an altitude), but I can't actually see the numbers I'm selecting.

    I've tried redownloading/reinstalling the plane, so I know it's the latest version as of this post, and I'm running P3D v4 with the F1 GTN installed.

  2. Sorry to bring back a necro, but the only way I've found to combat this is to pop it into beta for a second or two right as it starts up, then to idle.  Nothing else seems to get it to do anything but take me on a half mile ride at 35 knots with the parking brakes on.

  3. I have used every Google search I can think of, but I can't find anything the completely describes the issue I'm having.  Every contrail or ground wash effect flickers, and that's with or without PricipitFX.  For a while, even lights would flicker (but that magically fixed itself).  I'm running P3D v3.4.9 with AS2016, ASCA, and FTX Global on a computer that's beefier than it needs to be for P3D.  I figured you guys might know what's going on, since this is pretty much right up your alley.  If it's already been answered, I'm sorry.  I looked for hours and couldn't find anything that looked relevant.  Partly because people don't know how to name support threads...

    Things I have tried:
    -disabling volumetric fog
    -disabling/reducing AA (FXAA and MSAA)
    -disabling/reducing Anisotropic Filtering
    -disabling/reducing dynamic reflections
    -reducing the effect quality
    -disabling my shader tweaks
    -not turning on AS2016
    -reducing texture quality
    -uninstalling/reinstalling PrecipitFX

    My normal settings tend towards high or highest.  I do not use cfg edits, so that wouldn't be an issue.  Unless a cfg edit would fix this...

    My computer:
    i7 6700k @ 4.7GHz
    2x GTX970
    32GB DDR4 2666MHz
    P3D is on an SSD

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