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Posts posted by PaulDPearl

  1. Thank GAWD it's not just me... 

    I left about 3 Reddit review posts and of course the giant thumbs down- DO NOT BUY on Steam (yes I use Steam... because I'm a gamer as well as a simmer). 

    I'll take a look at virtualgaa's video but RN I'm too frustrated to turn my (upgraded for MSFS2020) PC... 

    Also - I have an i9 10900K CPU and a 2080 Super and it can't push 60 FPS on ultra (and overheats in the menu). Looks like I'll need to liquid cool my GPU to play this game for more than a half hour on ultra... I haven't even tried streaming yet (because I can't fly without a working joystick/yoke). 

    I really just don't get how you an F up the settings part of the game.. I agree - this is one of the worst UI I have ever used... I thought X-Plane was a Pain in the A.. lol... leave it to MS to F up the easy bit... 

    Game looks beautiful though - just switch on AI and enjoy the scenery... for now. 

    Also looks like we'll need to use DCSFlightPanels to get the Saitek Flight Panel stuff working (and forget about that flight instrument panel

    Also - not sure what they did but the one thing that was recognized were my Saitek Pro Flight Pedals but... the toe breaks were setup so that you had to depress them half way to release - if you didn't touch them the breaks were applied, and if you pushed them all the way in the breaks were applied... I've never seen that before. (this somehow fixed itself after several resets as I was getting my TrackIR setup). 

    what an absolute Cluster... 

  2. I'm very well qualified too... but that doesn't mean that every facet of my advice is 100% valid, and should be followed in intricate detail.





    How do you know? How do you know such an approach has been successful? Did you set up Windows, set up FSX using common sense, and paying attention to the well known tips for FSX installation, without following a particular gurus advice, and then test the installation in such a way that you could generate a meaningful measure of performance?


    Did you then reinstall Windows, reinstall FSX following the advice of the guru to the letter. Did you then compare the two approaches so that you could definitively prove one approach was better than the other? Did you do that for all of your installations since 2007?


    Bet you didn't, in which case you are simply having faith, faith that the approach is valid, without any real objective evidence. You just "feel" it's better, and feelings tell us nothing about the nature of reality. You have no idea if not following the advice would have been just as successful.


    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but gratitude for the so called FSX gurus out there, some of them have made a great contribution to our hobby. However, following someone's advice because they "have very good qualifications" or "seem to know what they are talking about", isn't a 100% fool proof approach.


    My approach, after many years of messing about with this stuff, is to keep it simple. And that approach provides me with high frame rate, no stutters, acceptable eye candy and not a single OOM ever.

    Wow.. butthurt techs over here.. 



    I found this post searching for Nick's bible post (which is right here). 


    I'm quite the tech myself and would probably get by just fine without, however, in helping my pilot father setup his system, this bible will be quite useful. I don't see a need to get into a pecker-measuring contest over it.. what's the big deal? So a guy has a long, very specific, somewhat overdone guide that just about anyone can pickup and use... how did that hurt you? 


    NEWSFLASH _ ALL PC Tweak guides contain something that probably isn't perfect for EVERYONE. I never defrag but if I were having an issue that could be related to defragging, I would certainly do so. I like using Windows Aero features, but if I were running into a problem, all those bells and whistles are the first things that I shutdown.. 


    Here's the deal... If you want a guide, there it is - it's gonna work and the best part is that it isn't 10 years old. If you know what you're doing, the guide will still help, if you DON'T know what you're doing, the guide is invaluable. 


    I find it refreshing that a person with knowledge is willing to share - "use common sense" isn't going to help people who have little tech knowledge. 

    • Upvote 3

  3. I played it now... so I can answer that - it's a game... no debate needed. (not sure why there would be controversy here but I know how it is with fanboyism). 


    It seemed to want to allow me to purchase and download the P-51... I'm not prepared to do that right now. FSX is the game for me, I suppose.. though it's kinda nifty (and runs smoother than FSX) but... 


    I see now why I never heard much hype about it... it's pretty lame, to be honest. 

  4. I'm confused by this... http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9800616 downloads MS Flight found here.


    It appears you must have an XBOX Live or STEAM account in order to play online but it is otherwise free to use. I came here (AVSIM) looking to see if the community has embraced and developed for MS Flight (yet). Or what issues are present with it (e.g. is it more of a game than a simulator, but if so how much so.. ).


    It appears the Market Place now requires a client

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