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Posts posted by winjarra

  1. Thanks, will try that on the last leg of my world tour.  OMDB - EHAM.


    EHAM - SPIM - NTAA - YSSY - VHHH ( then nostalgia IGS 13 while in the area ) VTBS - WSSS - OMDB - EHAM

  2. Hi thanks for he reply and comments, I'll give that one a try.


    Never realized how old the the thread was until you mentioned it. I was looking for something else i was curious over and saw this thread.  What i was originally looking for was why the T7 makes a steep climb at the step waymark, it feels like the planes rushes to get to the new alt as quick as possibe. Have i done something wrong, is it normal or can i program the accent attitude in the FMC? 4000f/m seems rather radical to me.

  3. Nope, i am flying at this moment and just watched the ALT change from FL390 to FL410 without any input from myself other than configuring the STEP (2000) in VNAV and auto climb initiated, my initial ALT  of 390 from PFPX was set in FMC when setting up the flightplan.


    Froogle or Matt Davis forget which shows this very clearly in their tutorial.

  4. From what i gather, if you have set the FMC for auto climb, it still will not auto climb This is what i have learned.


    EX:  Initial alt FL390


    your flightplan advises final ALT as say, FL410


    You check your flightplan in the FMC, go to the waypoint after 390 that says 410


    Type in /410S


    If you do this then you do not need to reset you ALT, it will do it automatically Oherwise you need to set manually just before the climb.

  5. Hi, noticed and issue while flying a route EHAM - SPIM.


    Mid Atlantic, the engines shut down and restart 2 seconds later, on their own. This is repeated 2 times then all is back to normal.


    Failures are disabled.


    I have latest update on the T7.


    FSX with all updates ( Acceleration )

    Flightplan - PFPX

    W&B - TOPCAT

    Weather - ASN


    Any Ideas?

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