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Posts posted by dadriel

  1. I'm experiencing huge spikes in the terrain at cruise flight level near the island of Samos that disappear when I got closer to the location. Is this a corrupted file in my installation or is it a bug in FreeMesh X? I'm using the most recent data files of FreeMesh X without the 2.0 installation yet.

    I'm using the FreeMesh X data in P3Dv4 and FSX:SE. The problem appears in both sims, so I guess it is not a configuration issue in the sim.

    See screenshot below for examples of the problem.





  2. I can also confirm this issue with OC for the NGX 737. After I installed a livery from the .ptp file the next time I started the OC I got the error message listed above. This issue also only appeared after the recent OC updates ahead of the 747 release. I had the livery installed before that and it didn't throw this error message.


    Also the issue seems to be limited to certain liveries. I got two custom installed for the NGX and online one is throwing this issue. 


    Both are fine and perfectly flyable in FSX. So this issue is only the OC being confused about some part of the aircraft.cfg as far as I can say. It also persisted after I uninstalled and reinstalled the NGX, it was still throwing the error  message for that one livery.

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