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Posts posted by dagghito

  1. @hmuller apologies for the delay, I was abroad and came back yesterday. FYI, the forum system checks the registrations against our customer's database and if one is found, the activation is automatically granted in less than 30 minutes.

    Please send us a support ticket, I'll solve the issue ASAP.


  2. 1 hour ago, TonyD said:

    Do I have to uninstall the F1 version first or can they co-exist on the same computer?

    They do co-exist.

    Btw, made a couple of flights these days, excellent piece of software, love the added features that come with the 6.50 trainer. Smooth, easy to install and configure, I'm very satisfied of my purchase (both 750+650).

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  3. We have upgraded the webserver, the database server and we have upgraded the forums and the ticketing support system to meet https standard. The whole upgrading has taken some days to fully accomplish, now is everything back at full steam. 

    Btw as I said before, the development is ongoing and we are in the middle of the alfa testing of SP1, it'll be a massive upgrade expected after this summer. Free for all customers and for 32/64bit customers.

    Please don't ask what the new/adressed things will be, because at the time of writing there's a lot to do yet and we don't have a definitive changelog: an official statement will be posted when the proper time comes. 

    Enjoy the summer! 

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  4. We have not disappeared, part of the team is simply on holiday, and the development is still ongoing. To keep in touch with us you can check our forums http://www.flythemaddog.com/forum the facebook pilot's group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1725712597723962/ or the ticketing support system  http://www.flythemaddog.com/hesk/


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  5. Quote

    They don't have changed the way you can assign commands to keyboard so you could config the vrinsight cdu with the software they include so the keys will react as key commands.

    True. I've flown the Maddog a couple of times in VR with the Rift. It's mind blowing, the cockpit resolution is 4K and it's truly immersive. We will work on VR, thinking of a specific VR-friendly edition in the future...I believe VR is the way simulation will go in the next years...

  6. To be fair: sounds have been improved from past, but the basis is the same of the legacy version with the same resolution.
    Could them be improved? Yes, this is a thing we would like to do after initial release (we are a small team and we're working full steam since last summer mainly in other fields). But it's not an easy task for us trying to record new sounds, here in Italy seeing the -80 around is very difficoult nowadays. I can say this, for my personal taste, not being a sound engineer, sounds are quite decent, and the main purpose of this is simulation is mainly system-oriented, and from that point of view it's unbeatable.


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  7. On 27/1/2018 at 7:02 PM, mog said:

    Hi All, I recently had problems with my FSX and had to repair it, since then every time I want to fly Maddog I have to register it again, I go to the Manager and Setup facility and I get the register page which states that the A/C is not registered?? so I register and set up what I want but the next time I go to use it I'm told it's not registered again!!

    Any ideas?



    Are you under windows10? Have you tried running the load manager as an administrator? 

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