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Peter 68

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Posts posted by Peter 68

  1. Hello, fluff friends,
    I am in the process of adjusting my LINDA settings for my installed NGXU,to match the version NGXU 1.4,Current FSUIPC has been installed
    My new NGXU I have installed under H:\P3Dv4.1-Sim\SimObjects\Airplanes, there is also the NGX stored!
    To install the module I follow these instructions,

    1)Download the zip file and expand it to a suitable accessible place (e.g. desktop).
    2.)Open LINDA and make sure that the aircraft selector is not synchronized with Sim and --Aircrafts-- is displayed
    3.)Click on the option Maintenance = Maintenance.
    4)Under Import Aircraft Module, click Select Source Folder and locate the folder PMDG_737_NGXu_v1_0.
    5) Click Select.
    6.)Click on the Install/Overwrite Module button
    7)Open your Flt-Sim and click Sync To Sim (make sure that PMDG_737_NGXu is displayed and outlined in orange)
    8)Have fun.
    Open your Flt-Sim and click Sync To Sim (make sure PMDG_737_NGXu is displayed and outlined in orange).

    But this folder is not there, only PMDG 737-800NGXu and as model I use the SSW version:

    I can't get any further.
    Many thanks in advance!
    Greetings Peter

  2. Hello friends, 
    i have a keymapping today in ChasePlane for my B737-800 NGX and tested it, but unfortunately ChasePlane hangs up again and again before this key-free mapping was not the case 
    What should I do, create the P3Dv4.4 from my backup and reinstall ChasePlane? 
    Is it possible to backup ChasePlane settings (without key settings)? 
    Thank you in advance! 
    Greetings Peter

  3. Hello, friends,
    I now switched to P3Dv4.3 to 4.4 and use for my B737-800,ChasePlane v1.0.22,now I have the following problem!
    The start from P3Dv4.4 runs without problems, but after a selection of an airport or aircraft with OK confirm, P3D switches itself off and gets the message "disonnected from P3D".
    What do I have to change and I have to recreate my settings!
    Thank you
    Greetings Peter

  4. Hello Flusi friends,
    I own for my P3DV4.3 from PMDG the 737-800 NGX plus current update version 1.20.8885.
    Now I have the problem, that when programming the FMC under PAYLOAD>PASSENGERS the value 92/174 can be seen, I leave the value at 174 everything is OK.
    I do my flight planning with PFPX, in the aircraft list Pax 189 is indicated, but with the input in the FMC the value /189 is not accepted!
    In the PMDG 737-800 NGX Aircraft cfg under General is this entry 





    performance="Cruise Speed        \nMach 0.78              452 kts    \/h\n\nEngines     \nCFM56-7\n\nMaximum Range    \n3,060 nm          3,521 mi          5,425 km\n\nService Ceiling     \n41, 000 ft         12,500 m\n\nFuel Capacity       \n6,875 U.S. gal     26,020 L\n\nEmpty Weight-Standard       \n90,710 lb           41,145 kg\n\nMaximum Gross Weight\n174,200 lb         79,010 kg\n\nLength     \n129.5 ft                 39.5 m\n\nWingspan     \n112 ft, 9 in           34.3 m\n\nHeight        \n41.16 ft               12.55 m\n\nSeating      \nSeats 189\n\n"

    Category = airplane

    Can one work with the value 189 in the FMC, or in the PFPX under Pax 174 enter.
    Many thanks in advance!
    With kind regards


  5. Hello friends,
    I have ChasePlane as well as precipitFX and have also installed.
    Now a question, how do I activate precipitFX to work under P3Dv4.1?
    Normally I first start the weather Active Sky for P3Dv4 (ASP4) and hope that also precipitFX will start.
    On the homepage a current update of precipitFX for 9.00 USD is offered, have I already installed this with the current VFXCentral?

    Thank you and a happy new year 2018


  6. Hello Flusifreund,
    I use the PMDG 737-800 NGX WL for my P3Dv41.
    Now I am about to configure my configuration for my PMDG 737-800 NGX WL by means of FMC. For the seating I use the single class but under load I am only able to adjust to 170Pax, although I could allegedly load 189 Pax.
    If it is possible, where can one change the Pax from 170 to 189, because in the FMC can enter only up to 170 Pax, I plan only with Kg and PFPX and TOPCAT.
    Many Thanks!

  7. Hi my name is Peter,
    P3Dv4 possesses the PMDG 737-800 NGX and have the following problem!
    If I start P3Dv4 I get an error message ChasePlan is corrupt and P3Dv4 can not start! What should I do, it is because ChasePlan is still a beta version and wa one can count on the final.
    Many Thanks!
    Greetings Peter

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