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  1. Great! Thanks for your reply. Looking forward to trying it out!
  2. @lucianon - Thank you for bringing up this fantastic option for multi-monitors. How would you describe or quantify the degree of lag between computers that are each running MSFS. Thanks!
  3. Nvidia inspector

  4. Greetings, Has anyone been able to remap 0-9 on a USB numeric keypad to the keyboard 0-9 for use with VoxATC under Windows 7 and FSX? I attempted to remap using registry remapping and verified that the remapping was successful in Windows 7 using AutoHotKey. However, VoxATC still recognizes the USB numeric keypad as "Num 0" instead of the keyboard "0". Thanks in advance for your suggestions. I am trying to replace the keyboard from my setup with the smaller USB numeric keypad. Cheers, Ron
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