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Everything posted by ghaithgarraouia

  1. Anyone knows the answer for this? As I only use Global Base, Vector and OpenLC. Thank you!
  2. Thank you very much. That was a complete and very detailed answer. Have a great day/night.
  3. Hello simmers, I have a question about the flight plan weather in Prepar3d v3. Let's say I've made a flight plan in OpusFSI. I prefer to inject the flight plan weather into P3d when in the gate and then close OpusFSI completely. By doing so, does the weather at my destination correspond to the destination airport metar at the moment of the weather injection? In other words, will I find the right weather (the destination metar at the moment of weather update before closing OpusFSI) when I arrive at the destination airport? I ask because when checking the destination airport weather in the P3d own map, it doesn't seem to correspond with the metar. I want to close OpusFSI after injecting the flight plan weather because I don't want other software to be running in the background when flying. Thank you!
  4. Exactly Ralgh, that was the issue. It was set to Never and I changed it to when on Arm mode. and it works now. Thank you very much.
  5. You're welcome Nick. Well TBH, at first, I thought disconnecting by pushing down the A/T switch on the MCP (instead of pushing the buttons on the thrust lever), is responsible for the A/T to be on Arm mode but it turned out pushing the Speed button on the MCP is the one. My problem is when I push the Speed button and the A/T is in the Arm mode I can only control thrust by the F1,F2,F3,F4 keys on the keyboard but when the A/T is totally disconnected I can control the thrust with my own thrust levers (THrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X). Am I the only one having this issue? Thanks.
  6. Thanks a lot for the videos, I discovered them thanks to Youtube suggestions 2 weeks ago and before seeing this topic. I have one question though and I need a professional opinion: Correct me if I'm wrong. It's stated in different professional forums that turning Autothrottle off when on final can be done in 2 different ways: 1- "Deselect": done by pressing the buttons situated at the thrust levers. In this case, the thrust is manual but the thrust mode announciates "Arm" and the A/T is armed so it engages automatically for alphafloor protection or by pressing the TOGA switches in the case of a go around. 2- "Disconnect": done by turning off the A/T switch on the MCP. It's full manual thrust without "Arm" mode or speed protection and in case of a go around, the thrust can only be set manually. Is everything true in that? I asked because this doesn't seem to be the case on the NGX. Thank you very much!
  7. Hello everyone, Correct me if I'm wrong simmers. It's stated in different professional forums that turning Autothrottle off when on final can be done in 2 different ways: 1- "Deselect": done by pressing the buttons situated at the thrust levers. In this case, the thrust is manual but the thrust mode announciates "Arm" and the A/T is armed so it engages automatically for alphafloor protection or by pressing the TOGA switches in the case of a go around. 2- "Disconnect": done by turning off the A/T switch on the MCP. It's full manual thrust without "Arm" mode or speed protection and in case of a go around, the thrust can only be set manually. When I (only) deselect in the NGX, there is no Arm mode and I can't get TOGA thrust (I get only TOGA mode annunciated in the vertical mode) when I press the TOGA switches for a go around. Any clarifications on this please? Thank you!
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