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Everything posted by luckykristian

  1. would it be possible to use the "PMDG_737NGX!ChronometerPanel" ? or can't it be seperate from the Main panel
  2. I am building a cockpit using the pmdg Ngx since the available suites are way to expensive. that's why it would be nice to be able to have 2d versions of the clock and standby instruments
  3. hello, i am wondering if it would be possible to modify the panel.cfg file so I get the chronometer and standby instruments on separate windows so I can undock them seperately and drag them to different screens?
  4. its only in cinematic mode if i go to outside view i see the entire aircraft so it's there... and btw this is not a prototype for an ejectable cabin....
  5. This happens each time i go into cinematic mode , any solution ?
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