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Posts posted by Djembe

  1. I think you do not understand the problem:


    Here is what Richard from Navigraph say about it:


    " What I can say is, that we were never so close to the release as now but the history of this addon is long, there were many up´s and down´s, there were many empty promises - I don´t do the same mistake again, and again ... This format is so differ to the other and in normal case, the developer asks us first, if we can recommend a format. We have now nearly 100 supported addons, half of them have individual formats but none of them in such format ... To add specific formats is not always so simple and in the case of P2A nearly impossible. "


    I want to share mi experience with NGX sound.

    A few years ago i get two buttkicker simulation kit for my 737 simpit. Then i start to work for get a real cockpit feeling (i never flew in a 737ng cockpit, but many time as a passenger) or what i think is a real feeling . I download every free sound pack i find it, and also i buy all payware sound addons for the ngx that i find.

    A spend a lot of hours find the best sounds from all that files and try to understand how the sound engine work in the ngx. I edit some of that files for add low frequency that can be pick up by the buttkicker, and provide a nice feeling, for example when retract the landing year. I also play a lot with sound levels. And finally after a lot of hours of test and editing sound files i got it.


    What i can tell you is you will not find a free or payware sound pack that will make you happy. You will need to spend a hours of test for get the result that you want.


    I hope that info can help you in some way

  3. I'll be quite frank, I am disgusted at not having received a reply to three support requests since well before Christmas. If they aren't going to offer support to customers then they should say so and shut up shop. I get damn angry at having paid good money for a very expensive product and when things don't work I don't receive any help  :mad:


    This is not something new, many people complain about this in this forum. For exemple me, i just go for a new atc product (pilot2atc). This is a unsupported product. If the developer do not give any support in beta, imagine after he release the product with your money in his pocket...

  4. I do not know if something change in NavDataPro from two years ago, but one of my problems was that do not support TOPCAT. Also i do not like the interface from NavDataPro.

    Be able to download all data for manualy install is another good point to Navigraph. Just my opinion.

    • Upvote 1

  5. I try NavDataPro for two years, now i am with Navigraph. In my opinion Navigraph is much better. But the problem here is i need a nice ATC addon for my sim. Pilot2atc seems to be that addon.


    The problem here seems to be the data format. The pilot2atc data format is different to other addons as Richard from Navigraph told. Normaly the developer contact with the data provider for ask for a format that can run with his addon. But that was not tha case. Why NavDataPro is already compatible? I do not know. But i hope we can get soon a Navigraph data, because is the best data provider in my opinion.

  6. Hi,


    On approach you will recive a STAR with active runway Approach and transition. You need to fly by charts. If you want you can request vectors.

    I never was vectored by atc on P2A, and i do not know what happend if you go out of the approach.

    I think the FO can handle comms because there is a copilot option "Respond to radio" and "change frequencies". i never use this feature.


    I sugest you to install the v2 beta, have 10 days trial and comes with the airac1605.Then you will be sure how P2A handle IFR approach and you will find more things. Report any problem please. I fly in IFR and i want to know how it works too.

  7. I had some suspicion, but now i am sure that the developer read this forum.


    No more beta testing here. When he release the final version i will try the trial, and depend the price and my feelings i will buy it. Allways keeping in mind that is a unsupported prodduct.

  8. This developer puts me to the test.

    I do not have any support from the developer for more than one year with the v6.52... Now he want to release a v7, I help him doing some beta testing, but he only answer me during 24h, no more news after that...

    If he release some day the v7, will be full of bugs (like 6.52), and he will not give any support for sure.

    If he do not answer me during beta cicle, how he will answer me after have my money in his pocket? 


    Yesterday i decide to check all the options for atc. Then i try Pilot2ATC and i am very happy:

    -It have AIRAC suport (no navigraph right now, only aerosoft data)

    - ASN suport (and other weather engines)

    -Atc can provide you the SID, STAR, Approach and active runway with the weather ! (P2A do it much better that voxatc, maeby because can read ASN/AS16 data from the snapshot txt file).

    -Voice recognition.

    -More options

    -Use less resources that voxatc.

    - I can use all my TTS voices

    - But the best is the support, the developer lisen customers and he is doing a nice work (check the changelog for P2A v2)


    The weak point is that do not have Ai traffic at all. But i can set the default traffic (MT6) with the default atc on backgound (editvoicepack improve default atc) and is nice. The developer told me that is something that will do in the future.


    Guys, if you like how voxatc is design, but do not like how it work or the support, check pilot2ATC becuse is pointing to be THE ATC ADDON for your simulator.

    10 days trial nothing to loose.

    Voxatc is out of my PC, and many things have to change for i install it again, but i will keep an eye on this forum... we never know.



     When I clicked to enter the new information the SIM froze.. I could not do anything in the SIM.. I could minimize the SIM to the desktop and bring it back up but still could not do anything.. Nothing worked.. No menu items.. Nothing in the cockpit.. It was frozen in time.. The sound was still on but it was also frozen.. I let it sit for 15 minutes hoping it would come back but it never did.. Nothing would work in the virtual cockpit.. This exact thing has happened three time.. Trying to change a fix in the FMC.. Sometimes it lets me make the change.. Most of the time it lets me.. Three times out of about 30 flights it has crashed this way.. Help is appreciated..


    This problem i think have something to do with this problem: 



    And with the problem i report here:



    I experience exactly the same crash as you described, but in diferent time.

    There is some problem with the CDU that can make the sim freeze in my opinion. But will be very dificult to find this bug unless you are the guy that program the CDU.


    pmdg support need you point the bug with precision.

    But you can not point with precission the bug because you do not know how they program the CDU.


    Good luck



    Robert Rodriguez

  10. The PMDG NGX is not expensive in my opinion. Is a "old" product. Will not hurt to pay $30 more for ACARS and some new feature, and repair the bugs by the way. How much is it cost to release a patch or small update?




    Robert Rodriguez

  11. Because it is relatively minor, very sporadic and tough to find the correct setup for reproduction if you don't know what to look for in the first place.

    Plus, I don't understand your issue with PMDG support. The NGX is considered mature from a software lifecycle view, and we can count ourselves lucky if we see yet another update to the NGX at all (which I hope we will since it is a very popular addon, simulating a very popular aircraft).


    I have to admit that the bug was hard to find, without help it is imposible. 

    I just want to encourage customers to report possible bugs.


    I do not have any problem with PMDG support. I only criticize the policy of the company regarding updates and bug fixes.


    You think that you are lucky to see another update. I do not. we are diferent kind of customers. I want to see the bugs repaired because it take me a few hours of my time find and report his bugs.

    I bought the pmdg NGX a week ago, and i find two officialy "certified" bugs, i can not see the bugs solved because is mature product? this mean that is a unsupported product? legacy product?

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