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Posts posted by kneighbour

  1. On 11/7/2022 at 5:40 AM, Bert Pieke said:

    Others have reported similar behavior in the PC12.. no fix though..

    Maybe the upcoming PC12 update will fix it..

    I put in a bug report to Carenado. They actually replied saying that there is an update due out 'this month' (this month being November 22). So good news there.

    I actually did a normal flight last night - took off normally and everything. Even landed ok. Did not use ILS or anything, but everything worked. Even the trim seemed to work. Magic stuff. No idea why this flight worked as there was a 12 kt crosswind and everything! It is nice when things work, that is for sure.


  2. On 10/31/2022 at 1:39 AM, TexasRando said:

    Ok I finally figured this out.  FS2020 considers 50% to be neutral.  So if you set your zoom level to 50% and then use Translate Camera to get the view you want, your custom views will look normal and not stretched out and funky! 

    Not sure how this fixes anything?  I have the same problem as others here - I can save a camera view ok, but then when I load it the restored camera view is only fairly close to what I had saved. It is never correct.

    It would be GREAT if we had something like xCamera! That was magic.

  3. 4 hours ago, Doering said:

    @kneighbour Sorry to hear about the PC-12 issues. The trim controls definitely work. When I adjust the trims from the controller, I see them move accordingly on the indicators on the console. I have made 7 videos with this plane and I have not experienced any of the reported problems other than the battery drain after 1-1.5 hours of flight time (turn on the external power is the go to fix for now). Really perplexed how this aircraft can be so good yet so bad for others. There has to some central conflict problem with the aircraft config and the specific computer/controller setup? I guess I should count my lucky stars for this one! I do hope Carenado issues a new version that rectifies the reported problems.

    Yeah, it is a puzzle. It was the same in XP11 as well. One 'fix' I have found is the same as some other user here - if I disable surface wind completely (delete the surface band), then the windmill effect is not so bad. I can at least take off.

    The trim is a funny one. I have been trialling SPAD.neXt to see if that will help. And have been going through a whole lot of aircraft to see if there is a pattern. One is is that the trim controls on my CH Eclipse yoke seem to be a problem. They do in fact work, but so slowly as to be hardly noticeable. Bit weird as it is just a button push in actuality. But using a trim control on another device seems to work better. At least in other aircraft. In the PC12, still no trim indication at all, although I think it could actually be working. It is hard to tell as so hard to get the plane in the air!

    It is a real shame. I did hundreds of hours in XP11 on the STMA PC12/47. At one point I was in FSEconomy doing flights pretty much all the time. Almost a second job! Love the plane. The Carenado one not so much, although it certainly looks nice. I hear SWS is going to bring out one (or two) variations pretty soon. Am looking forward to that.

    Carenado are not know for putting out fixes to their aircraft, so not holding my breath there. It only cost me $35 or so, so not terribly worried.


  4. 18 hours ago, Doering said:

    Hi. Do you have the flight model on “Modern”? 


    That is a great video. I just wish my version of the plane flew like that! I would be very happy. I cannot even get the trim controls to do anything. I suspect that the trim controls are actually trimming (perhaps), but the indicators never do anything. And as for taxiing out, it is very hard to maintain slow speed and of course direction. No beta as far as I can tell, and you really need that to taxi. And taking off - forget it. Nothing at all like that video.

    I flew the Carenado PC12 in XP11 with few problems. I flew this plane a LOT in PC11, so am fairly familiar with it.


  5. 9 hours ago, shaunmartin said:

    Okay, so I don't know whether this is just me - though it doesn't when I fly any other aircraft - or whether it's a known bug, but when I start rolling down the runway, the rudder just flips over to the left, and I end up trundling through the airport instead of down the runway. Rudder pedal action makes no difference at all. Even with a slow roll, keeping the torque very low, still the aircraft pulls violently over to the left. Essentially, I haven't been able to take off at all, so the couple of flights I've had have been ones that I've started in the air.

    Yep - me too, I think I did one flight where I took off. Now I simply veer off into the grass (the last few times to the right). Rudder control does very little. Differential braking does help, but basically - the plane is pretty much unflyable. I have not been in the air enough to see any of the other problems mentioned here.

    Too bad refunds are not a thing. I bought a few Carenado planes in XP11 - I think I will give them a miss from here on out. Bit of a shame.

  6. Can HIGHLY recommend the following

    - X-Camera. Totally needed if you have TrackIR. but excellent even if you do not. Not free, but cheap and worth every cent.

    - Carenado DO-228 is great for a GA aircraft. Not free.
    - Pilot2ATC (and X-ATC-Chatter) if you want a good ATC system. Not free.

    - Little Nav Map - best Flight planner out there and free. Plan-G also very good for GA stuff and free.

    - X-Organiser - great for organising your scenery, plugins, etc. Free

    - BetterPushback. Free

    - RealityXP GTN750 (not free). Brilliant GPS system replacement. Worth every cent.

    - Autogate. Free

    - FlyWithLUA (some really good scripts that work with this. XPRealistic being one that you need). Free

    There is no really good weather system as yet. The default XP 11 is not bad, so for now would stick with that. xEnviro not recommeneded.

    • Upvote 1

  7. I fly a lot in my DO-228 (in XP) from small country strips, and usually VFR. There are often no hold points. You taxi out a few meters to the runway, turn left or right and taxi down to the end of the runway and turn around. Then take off. The problem is that there is no point where I can say "callname holding short runway 22". How does one trigger the next phase of ATC control?

    Also - there is usually no tower or clearance frequencies at these strips. I normally contact Tower at the nearest big city (usually hundreds of miles away). Is this the normal practice?  The Freq window pops up with quite a few possible radio frequencies and I work my way through each one (practically at random) finding one where I get possible interactions. What is the best way to find the 'correct' frequency?

    Please excuse me - I am not a pilot! I understand that it is not possible to include a full PPL Ground School class here, but some pointers would be appreciated.

  8. I see that you can now export to the RealityXP GTN750 - great stuff! The problem is the current folder that these need to be saved in is something like C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Trainers\Databases\FPLN

    You have a dialog popup on the Export screen so that you can set this folder. The problem is that the ProgramData folder is hidden, so will not show up in the dialog box, so this path cannot be set. Is there some other way to set this path?

  9. I have the multipanel as well. I found it really easy to integrate into XP 11. It works with every aircraft I currently fly. As mentioned, it does seem a bit flimsy/cheap - but it is pretty cheap, so not a problem there. It is really just an autopilot panel, so not sure that it would be much use for a C172 and the like. The flap switch is ok, but I never use it as I have a switch on the yoke for that. The Pitch Trim wheel is useless and never use it.

    I bought the multipanel as I fly the large airliners - and for that it is very useful to set HDG and ALT. These you have to do very quickly in response to ATC, and I found using the mouse scrollwheel on the 3D cockpit to be a real pain. Oft times you miss the hotspot and the cockpit zooms in. Plus you are taking your eyes off the road, so to speak. So very useful for airlines - not so much for the C172.


    • Upvote 1

  10. The same happens to me. As far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with P2A. The problem (at least for me) is that the A320 looks at all the flight plans in the corte.in file, and if there is a perceived problem with ANY of them. then no routes are displayed in the A320. If this happens, have a look in the XP log.txt file and look for an error that contains the text "FF: static navdata loader". These lines in the log will describe the problem as far as the A320 is concerned.

    In my case, the problem usually is that there is a waypoint missing in the A320 database. Currently it is pretty hard to update this database, but the Navdata updates should be out in the next month or so. In my case, I simply removed the unknown waypoints and then the flight plans loaded ok.

    It is rather a pain that the A320 does not flag the errors better - having to look in the log.txt file seems awkward. I guess one fix is to make the Navdata in P2A the same as the data in the A320.

    You will get this same problem if you make up the flight plan in LittleNavMap, EFASS or anything else with a more current database.

    You will get similar errors if you export to the GTN-750 - only with that there is no way to update the database. At least with the A320 we will in time be able to do just that.


    • Upvote 1

  11. I just updated to HOT FIX 2406.

    no map.

    here is the log file

    Program StartedPilot 2 ATC (P2A) - version  02/28/2018 16:46:17
    Application frmP2AMain starting 02/28/2018 16:47:04
    Loading Form
    Main form opened: Pilot2ATC 2018 v.      Navigraph - AIRAC cycle: 1801
    Loading Map Control
    LoadMapControl: panel 1
    Creating ucMap1
    ucMap1 Created
    ucMap DockFill set.
    Setting Map Mode
    Done Loading Map Control
    Loading FPL Control
    FPL Control Loaded
    Error in BuildFPRoute
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at P2A_2018.SIDPlan.Init(Boolean Force)
       at P2A_2018.FltPlan.BuildFPRoute(Boolean CalcTOD)
    FltPlan ActiveSID: -- -
    FltPlan ActiveAPPR:  -
     GPS FlightPlan Changed
    Application frmP2AMain ended normally 02/28/2018 16:48:51

  12. 3 hours ago, MarioDonick said:

    There are different types of learners. Some (like myself) prefer reading, others need videos, others need a real human besides them, and so on. At least a simplified quick flight tutorial is not asked too much. Just to get the bird in the air, for a first success. The IXEG 737 does this very well.

    I did my first 'real' flight in the A320U last night - this was after weeks of preparation. Weeks watching Blackbox711 videos and reading the Flight Crew Training Manual, and also the excellent training links provided on this forum. I do not think that a tutorial from FF would have been any help at all, even if one was possible. There is SO MUCH you need to know, it is just impractical. It is not like (say) getting in the DHC-6 and flying from A to B. You don't even tune the radios for the ILS.

    Flying this plane with no mistakes is extremely difficult. I think it is one of those aircraft that you simply need to put the hours in to get proficient. And this is where the 'study level' bit comes in and is what a lot of us like. It is nothing to do with elitism - I don't know any other flight simmers at all, so there is nothing to be elite about. It is the joy of finally doing a perfect flight, knowing that it has taken you 3 months to get to this point. 

    I usually fly Boeings and used to think that the Airbus system was simpler, ie you are just a bus driver. It is certainly more automated, but it is not simpler. I would even go so far as to say it is more complex, but perhaps that is because I am comparing a 738 with an A320. Just taking off is a complex task.

    One surprising (and great) discovery was the fly by wire is great. I came in way too high on the approach and in normal circumstances it would have been a go around. But for fun I kept going and still landed perfectly. Very impressive.

    • Upvote 2

  13. Some good pointers. I think I had the GS set to 300kts, which I think was way too slow.

    On most of my flights in Queensland, there is (I think) only one Center Controller - and that is in Brisbane a 1000km to the south. There might be one in Cairns as well. It is a big state. A number of regional airstrips don't have tower controllers either. It is not a problem.

  14. On 2/17/2018 at 8:13 AM, tonywob said:

    Expensive indeed. 

    I've watched a few beta videos on this, and I'm curious if the product includes decent tutorials and documentation, or are you expected to already know an Airbus before using this?

    You are expected to know it. There is basically no documentation - but links to real aircraft manuals. I can see the thinking behind this and agree. There is no way a short tutorial will be that much use. Learning this aircraft is not a simple thing, so what could a 5 minute tutorial do?

    Personally, I think this is one of the attractions of a study level aircraft like this. You need to study the manuals as would a RL pilot. I have been flying flight sims since the late 70's and I thought I knew enough to fly anything. But it turns out I was wrong. There is so much to learn with this aircraft I am frankly, excited to be back in XP again.


    • Upvote 1

  15. On 2/17/2018 at 2:16 PM, JustanotherPilot said:

    I've been excited for this release but at $A114, it's way over my budget, I'll be sticking with the IXEG 737 and the Zibo 737 for my airliner flying in XP11.

    I am in the same boat as you. But in the end it is cheap considering the number of hours you will spend in it. I have already spent a lot of hours watching videos and printing out and studying manuals. Well worth the immersion and time spent, I think.

    And apart from the activation process (which they stuffed up), it has been a joy. From the updater it seems that they have already updated the thing a couple of times.

    But I really like the Zibo as well - that has come along very nicely.

  16. I have done a few flights now (in the Zibo 738) and each time P2A gets the TOD incorrect by a huge margin. Last night I did a flight from YBTL - YBCS, about 150nm. I was at FL120 and the TOD by P2A was about 20nm from the FAF which required me to be at 3,000'. There is no way I could have descended in time if I followed the P2A profile. I descended via the flight plan in the Zibo and things were ok - but P2A kept on telling me to go back up to FL120. I just ignored it, but it is annoying that P2A does not know the descent profile. I guess I should have request a lower altitude, but the approach did say that I was to descend via the STAR, which is what I was doing. I had a V/s set in P2A at 1500fps, which was about correct and I had it set on 'airliner'.

    When I fly the DO-228 (a much smaller aircraft), the TOD seems to be fairly close.

    Is there something I can do to make P2A understand that I am flying a jet airliner and not a small commuter? Can I adjust the TOD manually to more accurately match the one computed in the 738?

    In this flight I think I was told to contact Brisbane Control like 3 or 4 times while in the cruise (which was about 20 minutes). Each time I did and the system responded. It may have been normal, but it seemed a lot for such a short flight.

  17. Yes, the lack of matching data with XP 11 is a nuisance. I have given up on importing flight plans from anything else as the odds of getting it in has been very low (in my limited experience).

    I simply recreate the flight plan again in the GTN750, and so far I have been able to get it close enough to fly with. I only use the GTN750 with small aircraft, so the flight plans are usually not that long or complex. I also use Pilot2ATC, and the trick there is to add a much large leeway of error before ATC tells you that you are off course. I use 20nm lateral deviation, I think. Works like a charm.

    You can also add custom fixes on the fly pretty easily, so it is pretty easy to add anything that is missing.

    One of the biggest areas of conflict seems to be the STAR/Approach area - I put them in as best I can, but the thing is Pilot2ATC is going to vector you at that point anyway (in most cases), so your plan in the GTN-750 does not really matter.

    If you are not using ATC of any sort, then I guess it does not really matter if the data is a bit outdated.

    Despite this limitation, I still love the GTN-750 - it is so much better than using that awful GNS530 it is worth any workaround.



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