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Posts posted by BMW969

  1. 47 minutes ago, AnkH said:

    While I agree that the runway looks fantastic, imho the resolution of the tarmac texture at the gates/parking positions is too low and it looks like a bad satellite image. Minor criticism though, the scenery otherwise is a masterpiece for freeware.

    Improving satellite imagery will take a lot of time and effort. Large pictures will take away your FPS. The runway is made of repeating parts, so it looks better. You can't do that with an apron. It will lose its authenticity. The apron can be drawn, but you will understand that it is a drawing. For me, the original image is a priority. If Byng's maps were of the same quality, we'd be happy.) So here is the best compromise solution.

    • Like 3

  2. 1 hour ago, orchestra_nl said:

    For those who can afford one I still recommend waiting until the real benchmarks come out. If MSFS is CPU limited we won't see an 20% increase. The extra vram might boost FPS a lot, or do nothing if MSFS doesn't need it.
    I can afford the 3090, but the 3080 seems the most sensible choice. 50fps average is sufficient for MSFS, but that 3090 might give a smoother experience which might make it a better choice.

    it is not yet known what performance will be with PMDG

  3. 27 minutes ago, ckyliu said:

    Couldn't agree more, I'd take steam gauges + GTN750 over a G1000 any day of the week! I was so disappointed when previews showed Asobo had modelled the GNS430 and not the GTN750, because that's more of the same awkward ergonomics and rubbish user interface. The GTN750 is a dream to use compared to any other aviation GPS system I have experience of, I hope it makes it in to the sim and can be retrofitted into the virtual cockpits of the C172, DA40TDI etc.

    Especially when the plane shakes in the wind ))

  4. 19 minutes ago, rickgo said:

    Sorry to say that your 8gb card is now the new minimum for v5. Ive been in TE Florida for the last few days and averaging about 3.5 to 5.1 gb vram.

    I do believe these numbers dont show quick fluctuations which can result in CTD wo notice. However Ive had flights in  v5 which were visually impossible in 4.5

    and the desire to stay in 4.5 has been fading as the possibilities with EA are overwhelming. Yes, waiting for 5.1 is a logical step. Also waiting for 5.2 is logical. Will 5.1 meet everyones desires? The answer is already known. I have no regrets with v5 purchase. Each point release(previous in v4) has been like a mini xmas  but after awhile you want something new/better and the cycle repeats in v5.

    My P3Dv5 can't even handle 2080Ti 11GB with TE Florida + LatinVFR Miami

  5. On 9/6/2020 at 7:14 PM, virtuali said:

    Not really, the real problem is that it comes with 16.653 individual 256x256 textures in the texture folder, and each one is a different material, and so many material changes are very expensive.

    If it used few 4k textures instead, it could have used 256 times LESS textures ( about 65 ), meaning only 65 material changes, but of course that requires knowing how to do proper material baking.

    You're right. This amount of non-optimized textures will kill any scene. I get 5 FPS. Sorry, I'm sending it to the trash bin.


  6. 1 hour ago, OzWhitey said:

    P3D v5 looks a lot, lot better than v4.5 once you turn EA on. You can come close in v4.5 with PTA etc, but you can't match it. Plus, v4.5 will never have 3D clouds. I have not run v5 without Truesky for many months, not something I ever want to fly without again.

    I think this comparison is with the legacy rendering option ie not TrueSky, so not surprising that the two look pretty similar.

    Do you have Miami LatinVFR installed? Now this is the only place where I am getting the error DXGI

  7. 9 minutes ago, OzWhitey said:

    On the plus side, I'm getting 80 FPS with the F-35 with a lot of objects on the ground. I still love P3D for its VR and TrueSky/Ortho combo up high, and Orbx's photoscenery looks pretty solid at flying altitiude.

    OK, back to flying now. Cheers! 


    In v4.5 everything is fine, but in v5 Florida does not work with latinVFR Miami.  DXGI  haunts me even with the old weather     There must be too many objects

  8. 5 minutes ago, officercrockey said:

    I am really indifferent on this. As it is probably a good thing that small independent developers have a place where they can easily sell their things. But literally 90% what goes online there is pure junk. So I am not sure if they are doing themselves any favours. Just today someone uploaded a few liveries for FS9 for 12 EUR. The reviews are not really helping as most of those items don't have any. But I take it as a good sign and hope, nobody falls for it. 

    This is clear. But Simmarket publishes similar content and is clearly not indifferent to garbage developers. Where is the respect for the buyer?

  9. I am looking at new releases from Simmarket and wondering. Are they checking their posts or are they sunbathing on the beach?

    Are they willing to charge money for every shed or tree? I think it is necessary to refuse to post such content. I see no artistic value in these works





    I ask the moderator to move the topic to the section 2020

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